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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Come visit me on YouTube on my Minecraft channel. My custom map is guaranteed to have you spitting soda all on the monitor laughing, lol! Click here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcj1Ry8NuvIft3hoJDzwk-g?feature=mhee
  2. Rebel, Rebel!! How you been? I've missed you :o) I've been away playing too many other games, lol Just wanted you to know you've not been forgotten. Hugs!
  3. Hey my friend! It's been a loooooooong time! Too many games caught my attention and stole me away from here for a time. I do have what you asked about way back last year. I hope all has been well with you! Hugs :o)
  4. Hey Camonna! Now it's my turn to apologize for not responding sooner. I got caught up in D3, but my recommendation now is Path of Exile. It's free to play & is everything D3 wasn't. You ever get that RAM fixed? I hope you've been good, not working too hard in school :o)
    1. CamonnaTong


      Yeah, all has been working out. As for the RAM problem, got that fixed. Anyways, thanks for dropping in!
  5. Hey old friend! I've been away for a long time. I see you're still at it, churning out those good works. I hope all has been good with you! Hugs :o)
    1. Maharg67


      Good to see you back! Yes, I am still churning out writings but I think they have improved. Hugs back to you. LOL Graham.
  6. WEATHER GURRRRRRL!!! How you been?! I've been gone so long! This place sure has changed. I've missed you! Now I'M so addicted to POE. Man! Everything we wanted in D3 but didn't get. Lovin it! Also have been doing a long stint with Minecraft. Lord who'd have thunk it, lol Happy New Year! How's B?
    1. Illiad86


      We good, I PMed ya. Yeah, I know PoE is soo good haha :D
  7. Ok I've done pulled a Shadowmadnezz move and been MIA so long even I don't remember how long I've been gone, lol How you been Son!
  8. Happy New Year Granny! I've missed you :o) I got caught up in a couple of new games & lost my way from here. I'm back tho sending you hugs & hoping things are fabulous on your end!
  9. Happy New Year Vesemir! Man oh man, what's happened to the Nexus indeed. I've been away so long I hardly recognize the layout of the place. I hope you are doing fine. Hugs :o)
  10. My sweet gypsy! How are you girl? I've been MIA so long it's ridiculous! I see you finally made it to the USA with Malachi! Man that news warms my heart. Happy New Year, hugs & blessings to you both. I sure have missed you!
    1. Carah


      I've missed you! I hope this message finds you well.
  11. I'm back too! Man I've been gone so long, I hardly recognize this place! Happy New Year! I send you hugs and welcome back to you too :o)
  12. Happy New Year Silver! I'm so sorry I've been MIA and missed everything, even the holidays over here. How have you been? I've missed you guys! Hugs :o)
    1. SilverDNA


      *Hug* Np Netwit. I know you have a much on your heels so I assumed you focused to get that all of your heels. so my sympathy if you had other more important things to do that kept you away. And that doesn't mean that you haven't been missed.
    2. brokenergy


      I have tons of parties!
  13. Hey Demon! Thanks for visiting my page. I've been MIA for a loooooooong time, so sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Lovely photo! You know I don't know what happens if you're Prem & do something wrong. From what I remember, they make no exceptions, so premium or not, you can still get booted or ban hammered.
    1. LostCelestialGod


      Yeah I can see that, It's honestly a bit pathetic in my opinion, everyone is entitled to they're own opinion, and they have the right to get angry if something happens to the savegame/skyrim game. But then again this is Nexus.....
  14. OMG!! I should be shot for the length of time I've been MIA! I will say this, I missed you all BIGtime! Got lost in Minecraft of all things, now Path of Exile. THAT game is everything we wanted D3 to be AND it's free to play! If you like Minecraft, comment. I've got some things to show you then, lol!
    1. RebelOConner


      ah, minecraft is so addictive, so i forgive you.

      i miss you too ;)

    2. vvk78


      Welcome back!


      Minecrafting is not a sin! It is just an addiction, a highly creative one at that. ;-)


      Path of Exile sounds interesting (from what I read on its homepage), but I try to steer clear of online MMORPGs, because (you guessed it!) they can be highly addictive! :-D

    3. Netwit2008


      Ah yes, you are right, "just one more block....just one more block.." lol!
  15. What a great picture Neovinci! It's nice to see the real face behind the marvelous mod maker :o)
  16. Thank you! Thank you! As you can see, I'm prone to these MIA episodes. Like it or not. Just too many games and RL junk. I wanna quit my job sometimes and just game fulltime. Wish somebody would pay me for that, lol! I hope all has been well with you Regal Lady :o)
  17. Gotta make time for that gaming, regardless of what other RL stuff is going on, lol Do you play Diablo? You know D3 comes out May 15th. I was lucky enough to win a beta key and got to check it out early. Not bad, but waiting to see what else they have up their sleeves when the full version is released. I've seen/heard some good things about Mass Effect too.
  18. Oh just jump on in there! I've had to teach myself a lot, but it's not been so bad. I've made several NPCs and started the quest building and dialogue. The writing is the hardest part right now. Is it warm up there Weather Girl? Way too hot down here, in the high 70s and 80s most of the time. What on earth will we do this summer, if it's this hot already? o.O
  19. Hey Rebel-Rebel! Are you modding Skyrim? I saw someone trying some of your ideas. I started to say- Hey you can't do that, that is Rebel's territory, lol My buddy and I are even trying modding. It's actually looking really good. Let me know how you've been doing. Hugs!
  20. Whoa, the mods are piling up, lol I'm running probably about 45 or so. Pretty good fps mostly. If I have like another program running then it drops in some places. Been working on a mod with my buddy. I must say it's looking pretty good. If it turns out as we envision, I'll let you know so you can try it :o)
  21. My turn to thank you! I'm honored you visited and enjoyed :o)
  22. Hey there VK! Lord school has had me so busy, my creative juices have all gone towards that. Well...there might have been some Skyrim modding gestures in between, hehe. I'll let you know when that comes to fruition, soon hopefully :o) Hope all is well with you!
  23. I've been MIA, so I just got back, but wanted to be sure and thank you for the friend add! I'm honored lovely lady :o)
  24. Thank you my dear! I'm so glad you enjoyed everything! If school would not be so hectic, I could get there more often. You graced my page with your visit and I appreciate it, hugs Granny! :o)
  25. That house is just as beautiful as you are! Looks like one I might need to have :o) Hugs to you sweet gypsy!
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