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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Gotta agree with Simagination. I sure wish those keys could be activated on Steam!
  2. Well, now that you mention it, they will do other stuff like hammer and cook. I too have Better Settlers and BS No lollygagging. Also now that I think about it, it's only the modded companions, with the exception of vanilla robot Curie (man that chi..I mean robot is annoying at times, all UP in my face!) that do this. They stick to me like glue. Piper sandboxes and does her own thing, as does Trinity (Dogmeat). But Tommy Morissey and Tess, Scarlet and Shei are always either right there in the way, or close by, still in the way, lol
  3. Thanks MLeonhardt! I would like to try that. Have to do it in a smaller settlement though, where I can add the beds. I see them travel between posts, say like if I only have one or two guards but three or four posts. Seems logical they would do shifts if there were enough of them to do so. Again thanks for the tip! :yes:
  4. OMG! That was my favorite gun in FNV! I was just thinking the other day how I wish someone would bring that over. Great suggestion!
  5. Please somebody consider this. There is a mod that allows one to push the follower away, or set follow distance, but to have them relax would be ideal. They are SOOOO annoying when I'm trying to build things!
  6. I second this. I always wish my guards would go, even in the daytime, like in shifts, to get a little shut eye!
  7. You might give this a try as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22105/? So easy to do and if something can't be renamed, it will tell you. I've used it on all my settlers and some items. Good stuff! :thumbsup:
  8. Hello all, Reading through the requests and having searched the mods daily, I still haven't found a mod like this. I know I've had this type of mod for previous Bethesda games such as Oblivion, New Vegas and FO3 I believe. I haven't had time to delve into animations or even the Creation Kit for that matter, but it would be lovely to have an animation for NPCs/Companions (including modded companions) to actually smoke cigarettes, cigars, etc. I know they already will sandbox into drinking from glasses, but to have a drink of liquor or beer would also be fantastic. There is a mod for the player to smoke and drink, it would be awesome to be able to give your settlers and companions a tobacco or alcoholic product and see them use the cigarette, cigar, blunt, throw back a shot glass of vodka, or have a beer, etc. If anyone is interested, I'd love to see this implemented in game. Not sure how labor intensive or tricky it would be to create, but it would sure add to immersion and give a nice visual for those characters. Thanks for considering!
  9. I'm not sure if this is still the right place to make suggestions for the Nexus collection of game sites. If not, feel free to move it. I posted a while back with some suggestions for games that were not quite right for our family here. After reading Dark0ne's philosophy on adding new games again, I find that this one might just fit the bill I think. I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the Kickstarter project "TUG," but it's a brand new RPG game that was on Kickstarter and managed to raise over $300K to get started. It just came out in Alpha release this past week. There has been significant buzz around this game for those who happen to find it. One of the best things it promises is an absolutely transparent policy to encourage modding of the game. The game, while reminiscent of Minecraft, also took inspiration from many games the community here loves and plays. The official site and the Kickstarter site explain it like this: "TUG is a multiplayer open-world sandbox-RPG using new technology and social sciences to directly involve players in the game’s design. " "TUG sits at the crossroads where survival sandbox and multiplayer RPG’s meet, offering both elegant simplicity and a world of complex secrets for those who desire to seek them out. From freezing snow capped mountains to dark dreary caves, TUG offers a massive procedurally-generated world to explore, full of mystery and danger -- but what makes TUG truly unique is its ability to help us learn what you as players enjoy about the game, and to use your interactions to make an amazing world even better. The project draws inspiration from fun, accessible games we love such as Minecraft, Fable, Animal Crossing, and Zelda, as well as games that feature deeply complex worlds, including Eve Online, Monster Hunter, and Dwarf Fortress. What do we think you’ll like about TUG? Some of the things we’re most excited about include: Integrated modding support: we won’t just have support for modding tools hooked in from the beginning -- we’ll be sharing our tools with modders. Pets and Companions will join you in your travels and help along the way.Entire Civilizations lie hidden for you to uncover... or create new ones to conquer the world! Day, Night, and Seasonal Cycles with perils and opportunities unique to each. Exotic Wild Beasts to tame, hunt, breed, or ride! Logic Engineering, from simple trap triggers to reprogramming your golem! Dark Mysteries to unearth, and ancient powers to unleash! DRM-Free. That includes the servers, which we’ll also be sharing with you." The other fabulous thing is that this game is brand new. The Alpha doesn't even have everything the game will eventually contain. Thus the Nexus would be on the ground floor of creating a mod community to serve this emerging game. There are no other mod sites, that I'm aware, of for this game since it is so new. I'm not even sure they have a Wiki yet. The claims they make for gameplay are pretty lofty in my opinion. Saying that one can play the game "in whatever manner they want" is a bit risky. Only time will tell if they are able to deliver on that promise. They do have an impressive team putting it together including scientists, developers, social and behavioral analysts, etc. I agree it has promise. If it actually comes through with all the features it boasts of bringing to the player, this game will blow the gaming world away. But as I say, I'm skeptical and we'll just have to see. The Beta is due out in January 2014. Getting the Alpha is of course tied to backing the project through Kickstarter or on their site directly. You can find their KS page here and their NerdKingdom home page here Definitely worth a look see. Those links should take you to their respective pages where you can find out all about the game, see vids and screen shots and become a backer should you so desire.
  10. Come visit me on YouTube on my Minecraft channel. My custom map is guaranteed to have you spitting soda all on the monitor laughing, lol! Click here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcj1Ry8NuvIft3hoJDzwk-g?feature=mhee
  11. Thanks Thandal! That really does explain things quite well. I knew it was a well thought out process, or else we'd have every game under the sun here, and I agree that's not necessary. Minecraft is probably more than well represented. There are many resources out there for it, modding is encouraged in the form of making custom maps, skins and textures. I suggested both of these games because this is my community and I'm selfish :biggrin: It would be nice to discuss and create with folks I already know and trust. I like seeing the Nexus expand, but I do agree that every game is not for this community. I could see potential problems with Minecraft after reading Robin's post. Especially after having hosted a server for the game. Again, I thank you. Good info to know!
  12. Hey Reaver! Good to see you. My account has been inactive ever since Skyrim & D3 came out. Then there was Minecraft, now Path of Exile, lol BUT when I played- Name: Ashkylon LeShay Alt: Lena Diamondex Corp: USED to be En Garde. I think I got booted for inactivity Sp: was around 5 mil when I left, not much Inactive- but being tempted by my buddies who are making net 2-4 bill a week with manufacturing!
  13. Hello to all you new folks, hugs and I missed you to all my friends. I've been away so long, things have really changed over here. Looks very nice Dark0ne! I got stolen away from Skyrim and Oblivion for a while by several games. Two that have taken up a significant amount of my time are Minecraft and now Path of Exile. I know there are tons of Minecraft resources out there, but nobody does it like the Nexus. That is one I'd like to see here. The newest is Path of Exile. It's basically a Diablo II clone, but man they did things right. It's everything Diablo 3 should have been, for those of us that were sorely disappointed in the game. POE is also free to play, which makes it twice as nice. The playing field for that one is new since it just hit open beta the last of January 2013. There are a few resources out there, but not many yet. It would be great to see Nexus get in on that from the ground floor. Just a couple of suggestions :o)
  14. Rebel, Rebel!! How you been? I've missed you :o) I've been away playing too many other games, lol Just wanted you to know you've not been forgotten. Hugs!
  15. Hey my friend! It's been a loooooooong time! Too many games caught my attention and stole me away from here for a time. I do have what you asked about way back last year. I hope all has been well with you! Hugs :o)
  16. Hey Camonna! Now it's my turn to apologize for not responding sooner. I got caught up in D3, but my recommendation now is Path of Exile. It's free to play & is everything D3 wasn't. You ever get that RAM fixed? I hope you've been good, not working too hard in school :o)
    1. CamonnaTong


      Yeah, all has been working out. As for the RAM problem, got that fixed. Anyways, thanks for dropping in!
  17. Hey old friend! I've been away for a long time. I see you're still at it, churning out those good works. I hope all has been good with you! Hugs :o)
    1. Maharg67


      Good to see you back! Yes, I am still churning out writings but I think they have improved. Hugs back to you. LOL Graham.
  18. WEATHER GURRRRRRL!!! How you been?! I've been gone so long! This place sure has changed. I've missed you! Now I'M so addicted to POE. Man! Everything we wanted in D3 but didn't get. Lovin it! Also have been doing a long stint with Minecraft. Lord who'd have thunk it, lol Happy New Year! How's B?
    1. Illiad86


      We good, I PMed ya. Yeah, I know PoE is soo good haha :D
  19. Ok I've done pulled a Shadowmadnezz move and been MIA so long even I don't remember how long I've been gone, lol How you been Son!
  20. Happy New Year Granny! I've missed you :o) I got caught up in a couple of new games & lost my way from here. I'm back tho sending you hugs & hoping things are fabulous on your end!
  21. Happy New Year Vesemir! Man oh man, what's happened to the Nexus indeed. I've been away so long I hardly recognize the layout of the place. I hope you are doing fine. Hugs :o)
  22. My sweet gypsy! How are you girl? I've been MIA so long it's ridiculous! I see you finally made it to the USA with Malachi! Man that news warms my heart. Happy New Year, hugs & blessings to you both. I sure have missed you!
    1. Carah


      I've missed you! I hope this message finds you well.
  23. I'm back too! Man I've been gone so long, I hardly recognize this place! Happy New Year! I send you hugs and welcome back to you too :o)
  24. Happy New Year Silver! I'm so sorry I've been MIA and missed everything, even the holidays over here. How have you been? I've missed you guys! Hugs :o)
    1. SilverDNA


      *Hug* Np Netwit. I know you have a much on your heels so I assumed you focused to get that all of your heels. so my sympathy if you had other more important things to do that kept you away. And that doesn't mean that you haven't been missed.
    2. brokenergy


      I have tons of parties!
  25. Hey Demon! Thanks for visiting my page. I've been MIA for a loooooooong time, so sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Lovely photo! You know I don't know what happens if you're Prem & do something wrong. From what I remember, they make no exceptions, so premium or not, you can still get booted or ban hammered.
    1. LostCelestialGod


      Yeah I can see that, It's honestly a bit pathetic in my opinion, everyone is entitled to they're own opinion, and they have the right to get angry if something happens to the savegame/skyrim game. But then again this is Nexus.....
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