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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hey, thanks for the add! Always glad to welcome new friends aboard. Another Floridian I see. Just vacationed there, only farther south than you are. Never been up your way, but hear it's got its beauty spots too :o)
  2. lol! No actually while we were there, it was in the hundreds almost everyday. I'm in Ks. so we know heat all too well. Besides with the ocean nearby, it never really seems that hot. I wouldn't mind living in Florida someday. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment, but I hate winter here, lol
  3. Ah no worries, I fixed the double post. I think it gets snarky & does that sometimes. You are correct, we both do have high standards. I get frustrated w/ the limitations of the programs I use. BUT, be careful what you wish for! You know I've already started compiling clips :o) I looked at Photoshop Premier today. Whew! at $150 it does both pics & vids, but that pricetag! It's on my wish list tho!
  4. Say Whaaat??! A fire? I hope you guys were ok, with no damage to your cribby! It was hot as hades today, but not too bad. You know when the van messed up, it was the air conditioning that went out. I took it to my guy today and he's supposed to be giving me a estimate of what it would cost to fix everything. Be cheaper than a new one, so I'm game. Plus I luv that van, lol Enjoy that weather! :o)
  5. *Yay* I meant, lol
  6. Yeah your first kudo and well deserved. Consider yourself a friend :o)
  7. *waves* Glad you came over to visit! You're welcome anytime :o)
  8. Hey! I saw you sneeking and peeking :o) Hello there! I just got back from vacationing in your neck of the woods!
  9. Hey it might take a Terminator type to snare a fella for me, lol You're just a bad ass chick, the coolest kind :o)
  10. Boo to you! lol We've been on vacay. Ree and Me had a grand ole time in Florida. What chu been up to besides getting into trouble? :o)
  11. *tiptoes thru stealthily looking for pies and what not* giggle! :o)
  12. Hey Silver! How nice to get a visit from you :o) Glad you liked the vids. I'm going crazy trying to get Umpa's to work with NV *wallbash* I'm dying to do a vid with pyrotechnic effects. Meh! I hope everything has been good in your neck of the woods! :o)
  13. Hey Hey Weather Girl!! You were right, we were on vacay. Went to a place called Marco Island in Florida. It was heavenly and I've got the tan to prove it, lol I hope you've been doing good in your neck of the woods, heat and all!
  14. Thank you sir! I'm glad you liked it. I'm really enjoying the voice acting, so you keep me in mind :o) After, all, it was you who finally got me off my duff to start experimenting with them.

    Do you know of all my vids, Bella's dance has the most views I think? Really tempts me to do a full vid for her bunker. But I dunno if my skills are up to your standards yet :o)

  15. LOL! I know that anyone you put your crosshairs on is toast, so I have full confidence in you! I know that one day as I admire him, I'll be thanking you! ;o)
  16. Yeah it was looking pretty crazy. With so many storms popping up in places they've never hit before, we were a little worried too. Thanks for thinking of me :o) I'm glad all is well on your end. I'll be planting with my nephew once I return. Got so much to get done in the next couple of days! I'll be glad when we're there, ah I can hear the waves and feel the sun now :o)
  17. Congrats on graduation! I'm glad things are going well. I'm doing much better, been sick. Going on vacation Wed. so I'm really excited. All I can say about Andoran is WOW!! Those graphics are gorgeous & the story sounds interesting. I hope they'll have an English translation. Thanks for the reco about it, I'd love to play it too. Have fun celebrating! :o)
  18. I think if I consider myself a work of art of sorts, we might be in business, lol
  19. Thank you Brigand! That does make me feel a bit more confident :o) And boy did the creeping comment give me a chuckle, you're absolutely right, lol! I'm glad you liked the vid!
  20. Hmmm....stoic eh? Well maybe I can loosen his tongue and his emotion, lol
  21. LOL @ the self portrait! I bet you're much more handsome than that ;o)

    Ok, you're forgiven, just keep on your toes from now on :o) The link for the latest and last Tantrivaylia vid is up on my profile page btw. More relaxed and slow this one. New voice too, hehe. Happy Memorial Day! It's vacay for me next week. I can't wait!

  22. Hey Camonna! Long time no see. I hope all is well with you! :o)
  23. Thank you so much Meeps! What a nice surprise to get a new visitor. Come on over anytime :o)
  24. Awww and here I was hoping he'd want to be touching all over me, lol!
  25. Well the last of the Tantrivaylia tour vids is done. This one is pretty relaxing, nothing outrageous, just a tour of the village associated with the mod's quest. And I'm warning you now, 1st person to make fun of my accent...DIES!! lol!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Nice music to put a watcher to sleep with. Oh! And It is so much better with sound. :- )
    3. MDC519


      Another good vid! Almost makes me want to play OB again, but I think I will still wait for Skyrim :) At this rate looks like you may want to upgrade your software to take the next step in your vid making learning. Love the music too.
    4. Naktis


      Very nice video. Me likes! :)
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