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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Now don't be rubbing it in about the snowy driveways, lol I do hate that if I have to go out. If not, I love watching the snow falling. But I'll always like warm weather better. I feel like a dunce, for some reason I was thinking Aus and the US were close to the same size. I've heard it's very beautiful there, I know that. I'd like to visit someday :o)
  2. I bet pretty soon you'll be able to see snippets, or maybe even whole episodes on hulu or something. I think you'll like it. Now that you mention it on the Potter series, I do remember my daughter having to explain certain things, which were in the book, but not in the movies. That's always tricky as you say, because if something deviates a lot or is changed the viewer can get really confused because things just don't make sense. I read a LOT of Stephen King undergrad and beyond. His movies ALWAYS veered from the book in some way, often in really significant ways. He never shyed away from killing off kids in the books, but in the movies...naw, they always lived. Took some of the "ooomph!" out of the movies, imho. But as I've said for GoT, that definitely is NOT a problem, lol!
  3. Yeah, the bargain bin is always cool when you find something good in it. But you know I'm here if you need a plan B :o)
  4. Did they really BE? I was always thinking they followed the story of the Potter books pretty closely. My daughter read them all but the last 2 or 3, more than once even. She enjoyed the movies. Probably too young at that time to really analyze the differences, lol. I thought Deadly Hallows Pt. 1 was very slow compared to earlier installments. Makes me think Pt. 2 will be action packed. Of course there's the predictions purely from a literary point of view about the fate of all good heroes and such. But as with GOT, I hope they don't follow suit on those predictions :facepalm: I haven't read the books Ghogiel, but from the synopses I read on the wiki, seems as though they did stay true, with the exceptions of the things you mentioned. I did catch a couple of things that were different, so I thought on key issues, they'd deviate, but no dice! I bet you'll also think they rushed a bit in the finale. Whether they did or not, it sure felt as though they did in certain spots. But good series overall, I'll be looking forward to it next spring.
  5. Holy Smokes!! That price difference is outrageous! I'm glad they did too. If you ever need something, just holler and I'll be glad to try and send it, I'm sure that would be cheaper still.
  6. Well I thought about them and the possibility, but just thought they looked too old to do what they did. (How do you like my espionage talk? lol!) I will say this, there is much to come from what I allowed myself to see. But I'm so glad I stopped so I don't know everything! If I hadn't read some of those spoilers though, I would have been completely caught off guard with the twists that happened. The author did do a great job as BE says, of grabbing our attention, then reeling us in hook, line and sinker! Oh yeah BE! Me too! I'm telling you, they are following the books pretty close, so all those things I thought they'd do to keep certain characters as they were in the beginning of the series, was just thrown waaaay out of the window. I'm jealous! :confused: I bet the books are even better than the televised series, they usually are.
  7. Good! I'm glad to hear it. Oh you know I will! Gonna start shooting clips tonight :o)
  8. So I see you're reading A Song of Fire and Ice! I'm glad you finally got them. The series finale was crazy! Now we have to wait clear until Spring 2012 for season 2 :o/
  9. Hey my Lord! Glad you came by. Everytime I see that avatar I think of you as royalty :o) Everything is peachy keen this way. Starting to plan on my newest video creations. You know that always excites me. Hope all is well in your world too! Hugs!
  10. Isn't it crazy?! Still fairly cool today, really nice tho. I hear heat is coming, along with more storms. With all the weird weather this year, I've been afraid THIS will be the year we get a tornado strike! I sure hope not tho. I love storms, but that is a bridge too far!
  11. Well I'm just glad to hear you're safe. The wildfires have been so terrible, as have all the natural disasters of late. But do check out the Hot Blood series, I have a feeling you'll really enjoy them :o) I think Amazon has them if you do a search.
  12. You too Weather Girl. I have a big project coming up, due on 7/1, but you know it's hard to tear myself away from FO3 long enough to get it done, lol No rain, but so cool it felt like fall! Very uncharacteristic for us. BUT, I got my dang forest trimmed up around the patio, so I'm a happy, even if exhausted, camper :o)
  13. Aha! I told you, as did others, lol I'm glad it worked :o)
  14. Hmmm....well I don't know about that one. But I do remember reading that folks with like Windows Vista (I think, I can't remember for sure) and 64 bit machines may have trouble with this. I think I saw it on Umpa's Animation Dance mod description pages for FO3 and FONV. You might search the Nexus Wiki to see if it is addressed there anywhwere. Hopefully someone else with more experience than me will come in to help. Good luck with it!
  15. Excellent news! I knew you could do it! Just make sure you are planning ahead with alternate ways of coping should those old feelings come back again. That is not uncommon. In the world of mental health treatment, I teach my students you can't take away a coping mechanism, without giving one in return, hopefully a more healthy, positive one. Great job tho Calliton! You keep it up! We're very proud of you :thumbsup:
  16. I was thinking about this very question the other day and what Evil D said ^^ is exactly what I thought. You could extend down into Mexico, or go all the way North to Canada. Got coastland, the ocean, petrified forests, wine country. The possibilites are truly exciting and endless! :thumbsup:
  17. I like Conelrad radio. Very fitting for the era. It even has some original PSAs from the 50s I believe. Sometimes I actually listen to Enclave radio. :laugh: Just got a new one, Agatha's station which plays classical. I think that is part of the My Mansion mod. Sometimes I just want it quiet though. I have a mod installed that adds sounds to the wasteland like howling wolves and screaming people. At times that's the only "music" I need :tongue:
  18. There is an article here somewhere written by moderator Bben. Hopefully he'll see this post and weigh in on it. He gives info on how to deal with corrupted saves, if I remember correctly. Also, you can try searching the Nexus Wiki for articles dealing with this. I use the "pcb" (without quotes) console command to try and keep things running smoothly. This seems to work in all three games, Oblivion, FO3 and FONV. There is a mod that does it for you, but it takes 5 seconds to type in pcb yourself to run the command. It stands for purge cell buffer. Hope this points you in the right direction at any rate. Good luck!
  19. Does your screen freeze? Meaning does the action stop when you hit the tilde key? Try hitting the tilde aka ~ then look to the lower left hand of your screen. There should be a blinking cursor line. You type whatever console command you want and hit enter. Then hit the ~ again to close the console. Whatever command you typed in should implement then. Sometimes when your background screen is a lighter color, you can't see that the console is indeed open. You should also be able to see whatever you've typed. I hope this helps!
  20. With over 240 mods installed you'd think this would be easy :whistling: I think I'm probably off base, but I'm going to venture a guess and say Midas Magic. The part I haven't played yet, of course, lol! Pretty effect though, I'll be interested to see what mod it is from. Good idea for a game True! :thumbsup:
  21. Hey you! How ya been? Go check out my new sig. It looks fabulous! Thanks again :o)
  22. I thought so too Twisted. My daughter and I almost slapped ourselves silly clapping our hands over our mouths. At that point, I really knew this was to happen, since as I said, I researched and read synopses of the books on the wiki. (Man I wish I hadn't! :facepalm: ) I won't do that again, lol BUT, I really held out hope they would veer from following the book at that point. WRONG! lol That finale that really tugged the heartstrings. I'm glad the witch's fate was what it was. :verymad: Were you really expecting that to happen with Dany? It was a pretty powerful cliffhanging last scene that's for sure! I saw that the new season won't start until SPRING 2012!! Guess we'll just have to discuss our predictions until then, lol
  23. What really threw me for a loop, I just left the profile of a new Nexus friend who has double avatars for his friends listed. Didn't seem to happen for the first friends he added, but the last 10 or so are actually double displayed. Crazy! I'm bad, still using IE8, but I'm so strapped with other protection programs, I've (thank God & knock on wood) never had many problems. None major that I can remember. But my daughter uses Firefox religiously. I do know you want to avoid IE9 at all costs!
  24. There's several, but the one that comes to mind off hand is the "Naughty Joanna" mod. She does um.."naughty" things, but only if you pay her, lol She always has LOTS of septims. I couldn't play without her for that reason. Plus she's convenient right behind the IC stables.
  25. Wow, you're living on one of the barriers? We visited the 10,000 islands area. I REALLY wanted to rent some kayaks & go exploring, but then again, I figured who knows what we'd run into. Plus I'd just watched Dual Survival when they portrayed getting stuck in the Everglades, lol We encountered the "smoke-fog" for the 1st time, that is eerie stuff! Lots of history there, that is so true.
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