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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hi Han! Man that is a good collection on the blog! Lots of goodies to try :o) Thanks again!
  2. Now that ain't right, lol Got me all hyped up and stuff! :o)
  3. Oh and I've still been sick, but better now (time to be well for a while, sheesh!), I'm going to start work on Candelshire's video. It's gonna be short, but hopefully good :o)
  4. Ok, this cracked me up to no end. My nephew came over yesterday and I was showing him the last castle video, he looks at me serious as a heart attack and says....Aunt Tee, can I join NTV cribs? I just laughed, it was so cute!
  5. Bunny smooches for you and the lovely gypsy! Have a lovely holiday. Oh and bunny hugs too, they are my specialty :o)
  6. Just saying hi and glad you peeked! :o)
  7. Ok, hand him over, lol Where's my man!? :o)
  8. Ok, that new pic is cracking me up, lol!
  9. Hells YEAH! Good wimmen don't come cheap. Be just like you to bring a hot dog and a bag of chips or some sh*t! lmao!!
  10. Hello Keanu my little brotha! How's things in your neck of the woods? I'm still kicking. I'm glad you dropped by to say hi :o) Loving your new "kingly" pics hehe!
  11. WEATHER GURLLLLL!!!!! Hiya! lol Man oh man, those tornados were hella close. Lots of swirling, but none formed, thank GOD b/c it would have hit in downtown KC. Our sirens did go off a few times here in the burbs. It has been crazy with weather here. How you been? I've had pneumonia, just blah, meh and any other expletive I can think of. Vacay next week tho! I'm pumped!! :o)
  12. Thanks for the invite!
  13. Ok, here's the hula! lol Make sure he's got a wonderful personality to go with that cutie pie mug, lol!
  14. Well they'll be no planting or anything until I'm over this cruddy upper respiratory infection. A little remnant from surgery I think. Gawd I hate coughing up junk :o( Sposed to be warmer this week. Oh Lord, today my chipper dog proudly presented to my mom a WHOLE perfectly formed NEST of live baby birds!! I was horrified! I just hope the mama will still take care of them. Dang curious dog, lol!
  15. I'm hanging in. Not 100% good yet, but on my way. I trust you are fine and dandy :o)
  16. Why did we have a whole week of 70s to 80s weather, now followed by what looks like the moors of haunted Scotland or something? :o/ The students had graduation today, I swear, every year it is rainy and cold on this day! Hope all is well and you have a fantabulous weekend! :o)
  17. You are absolutely correct, lol I feel better just reading about getting those, especially if a really cute man is attached! :o)
  18. God Bless you! It's good to hear from you. I was very sad to hear of your loss. You're not a "horrible" nexuser, but you is lacking, lol Now about them kids......:o/ LOL! Be well, I'll see you at the wedding :o) (oh and bring a goat or cow or SOMEthin, you need to pay a dowry for my girl, lol!)
  19. Hey you! I'm glad you survived the tornado and didn't lose your job! I was in a microburst once, very bizarre experience!
  20. Yep, I highly recommend it :o)
  21. Well I have been sick the past few weeks and had surgery to boot. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, lest somebody figure out that I'm crazy, lol
  22. Whoa! Just saw your movie Friday. It....was.....AWEsome!! Especially in 3-D. Hey, I didn't know you were so cute, lol! How ya been anyway? :o)
  23. Yeah what I've been able to see of it. I was kinda sick there for a few weeks, so true to my vampire ways, I've been couped up inside. It is getting warm here tho! I hope spring is blooming in Australia!
  24. Are you blessing me each time you visit? I hope so :o)
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