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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Ha! Me drunk? lol Never. I always have too much I want to do, like play NV :o) I really have evolved into quite the nerd. BUT, I'm long overdue for a good draught of something achoholic. One drink and I'll be loopy as hell, lmao! Glad to hear you've been good. How is the romance part of your life going? Been wondering and hoping that it is fabulous.
  2. Say whaaat??? I was off and on so sporadically I missed anyone I know getting banned except Sur. I hope things get better and you don't leave. :o(
  3. I love it as much as you and then some, lol We had a great day. Glad to hear you did too. Now I hope you're not serious about being gone for a whole year??!
  4. C'MON SON!!!! Guess who said they didn't want NV for Christmas, but they lied and they daughter knew it and got it anyway???? That's right, this gamer chick right here!!! lol I'm fittin to put it on my mama's computer too! :o)
  5. Wishing you a most memorable and Merry Christmas Chromie! :o)
  6. Just a quick note to say- long time no talk to and Merry Christmas if you celebrate it. Hope all is well! :o)
  7. Just dropping by to say Merry Christmas! Love the new Avatar. Reminds me of my forum pic :o)
  8. Merry Christmas oh talented one! :o)
  9. A very Merry Christmas to you! :o)
  10. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Girl! :o)
  11. I hope you stop hunting monsters long enough to have a- Frohe Weihnachten mein Freund! :o)
  12. Just popping in to say again- Merry Christmas! :o)
  13. Silver!! How have you been? I just wanted to stroll through to say- Frohe Weihnachten mein Freund!
  14. Just rolling thru to say Merry Christmas to one of my favorite modders! :o)
  15. Just saw a comment on another profile where you said you were hoping TES V would take place in another locale. I'm here to agree and say Amen! Looking forward to the game, but highly annoyed it's in cold, snowy Skyrim!
  16. Sly! Where have you been? Long time no talk to! Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas! :o)
  17. A very Merry Christmas to you! :o)
  18. Wishing you a Merry Christmas my friend! :o)
  19. I hope you're well on the way to being mended by now. Wishing our resident poetic genius a very Merry Christmas! :o)
  20. Wishing TheCalliton a very Merry Christmas! :o)
  21. Merry Christmas to you over beyond the gate! :o) I hope all has been well with you!
  22. Just popping in to wish you a very Merry Christmas my friend! :o)
  23. I've gotta say Merry Christmas in a hurry, cause I'm scared and running out of here. That Living Custard Cream is frightening, lol!
  24. Just popping in to say Merry Christmas my friend! :o)
  25. Hallo Aspiria! I hope all is good with you. Just dropping by to say- Frohe Weihnachten mein Freund! :o)
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