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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Are you still in school? Here in the USA, most students are out now for the summer. For us college folk, there is no break, lol I have to teach year round. Remember if you need any help with psychology or medical/health stuff, just give me a shout. Glad all is well besides that. I'll be looking forward to your mod! :o)
  2. Well hallelujah Keek is up and sneaking, lol! I knew you'd get 'er done eventually. Making the vids is easy, it's the compilation and editing afterward that takes up the time, adding music and the effects. I use MS Movie Maker. Not too hard, but challenging enough. I'm glad you finally got to play at least, lol
  3. I never did get UL, so I do pretty good with compatibility. I'm almost up there with ya. I have almost 180 mods now. I keep waiting for my computer to spin or spew green junk like in the Exorcist, but it still keeps plugging along, lol I have Bartholm on my list, but haven't installed it yet. You should try Meogron's Knights. Good stuff with that one!
  4. But of course you can watch the videos and I hope you were able to! I'm glad you stopped by. Just got back from vacation, so good to be back, but wishing I was still on the beach too, lol How you been my friend?
  5. Very kewl! I'll be looking forward to seeing those additions to the game. I don't think it was OOO or the other that added the books. Do you have COBL? I have all those books and I was thinking they came from that mod. But those you mention could add them too probably. I know some mods have them like this one island home I found on another site.
  6. I totally agree! Sounds to me that either you, me or both need to learn to mod, so we can make our own books! I've got a few planned for the mod I'm working on with my mod partner.
  7. C'Mon Son!What's up with msgs getting cut off now?! That's a damned shame, Keek can't even get in the game. Methinks you need to free up some space, so Keek can at least show his sneaky face! lol!
  8. I liked that series too. All of the Dwemer Tales were interesting to me. I also liked how in MW they had the "official" biography of Barenziah, then there was the low down, supposedly-REAL story of Barenziah, lol!
  9. Where oh where is Keek tha Sneak? He is one crafty, yet covert Khajiit. I've looked high & I've searched low, why he's not showing off in some FRAPS video, I do not know! He's giving the Khajiiti a bad name, becuz sneaks like him are hard to tame. But hiding under rocks & behind bushes, will only get him put in the category of super shy wusses!

    Wow, now he...

  10. Awww Hell Son! How hard could it be?? For real though if you need help with load order or something, just holla. Perhaps this is a covert, shoot, actually overt message from the Nine Divines that they don't want Keek to be a sneak. They want him to be a monk! lol Maybe even a Blind moth monk. He'd HAVE to sneak cuz he couldn't see, lmao!
  11. Yee Haw!! FINALLY! Bring it on Keek, I want to see your devious butt sneak and sneak, even if it's only a peek, I'll be satisfied :o)
  12. Good luck on those exams dude! :o)
  13. Muhahahaha! Of course I multi-task, so I CAN read your mind, eat a sandwich, AND make a video all at the same time, lol! I'm glad you came over for a visit. You are now on my mind watc...I mean buddies list :o)
  14. Oh boy! Not the cockney accent too, rofl! I can't WAIT to hear that. Like I said, stop talkin and get to filming, lol!
  15. Keek the Sneak!? roflmao! Can't wait to see him get down. Quit talkin bout the vid and MAKE the dang vid, lol Thanks for the compliments. As I get better, they do get longer. That ten minutes seems like 10 hours (and probably is!) when I'm putting it together, but it flies by watching it, lol I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing yours. Don't worry, I'll be easy on ya for the 1st one :o)
  16. New vid alert! :o)
  17. C'MON SON! You know you wrong! Redguards can do EVERYthing! lol Glad you liked it. That mug was haaaard this time! I always appreciate when you visit da page :o) And I'm STILL working on those darn starz of yours! :o/ For real, what on earth is up with that?!
  18. P.S. Kudos to you for being a gentleman, and for having a picture of zombie cat, lol
  19. What a cool profile page Corlan! No harm done, I was teasing with you too. I'm glad you have a feisty personality! I'm gonna put you on my list, so you know we're kewl ;o) Thanks for visiting my page!
  20. No way! Are you SURE you have to start over? Why not start with one mod at a time to see if that is the problem. With only 9 it should be easy to isolate. C'mon girl! If I can keep it straight with almost 180 mods & OBMM, I know there's hope for you! :o) Hope you like the vid, thanks for coming over to check it out :o) If there's anything I can do to help with your load order, just let me know!
  21. Just a note to say thank you for such beautiful clothing to use in my videos. I've created another. If you're ever in my neck of the woods, check it out :o)
  22. Ok, you ready for another chuckle? Come on over and see my latest :o)
  23. Well she's much quieter in the new one, she's dancing too hard, lol Come on over and see it if you like. I'd be honored, as always. See if you can recognize her :o)
  24. C'mon SON! Take a look at the newest one. I just keep pumpin 'em out! I'mma go professional soon, lol
  25. I could have sworn I posted a reply to your last post on my profile! I must be losing my mind, either that or Jody erased it :o) Yikes to him! Ole trifling ass, lol
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