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About whaes

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  1. My goal is to re play Oblivion on my Steam Deck and have the game updated as possible with gamepad support and HD textures. I have the GOTY edition on Steam with Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine. I only need mods that improves the game with the latest patches and bug fixes while having it vanilla as possible, I don't need race mods or anything that adds features to the game. What mods would you guys recommend???
  2. I downloaded mods for Skyrim VR, But Vortex installs them on Skyrim Special Edition, not VR. How and where can I change that? nvm I think I figured it out, I had to unmanage Special edition...
  3. I'm trying to find the best way to play Skyrim on my Intel Atom Baytrail based tablet. The tablet has a Atom Z3740 Quadcore, 2GB RAM, Intel HD graphics On the lowest settings and without any mods the game runs with around 10-25fps, depending on the location and how much is going on. sometimes its unplayable in battles, thats why I look for optimizations to make it run smoother. Is there a way to make the game use more cores? Since the tablet has 4 cores I would like to make use of them. what else could help? I also preordered the GPD Win handheld which has an Atom X7 Z8700 and I think some performance optimizations could come in handy.
  4. having the same problem that some 2k textures I installed are not displayed, I'm still getting vanilla textures. 'Reset Archive Invalidation' did nothing. How do I manually check if archive invalidation is on or off?
  5. Hi, I'm trying to play Fallout 3 on my Surface Pro 2, I completed the Vault part but after leaving the Vault the graphics suddenly glitches, I see black textures and the framerate drops below 5fps, after a few seconds it crashes. I'm running Fallout 3 patch 1.7, I tried the Intel HD Graphic bypass patch and also added the Multicore fix by adding bUseThreadedAI=1 and iNumHWThreads=2 to the fallout3.ini. System specs: - Intel Core i5 4200U - Intel HD 4400 - 4GB RAM - Windows 10 X64 Also, my drivers are up2date, I have installed the latest driver for the HD4400. I can play newer games like Skyrim without any problems, just Fallout 3 is giving me a headache. I appreciate any help guys :smile:
  6. I'm trying for days to get a decent SSAO to work, tried several OBGE shaders, no luck, everything still looks bright and shadingless Tried this, makes absolutely no difference.
  7. same problem here. Shaders don't get applied/loaded... my Shaderlist.txt looks like this: [Ambient Occlusion] volumetric_ssao.fx=1 crysis_ssao.fx=0 ssao_test.fx=0 [Lighting] godrays06.fx=1 Godrays.fx=0 lightshafts.fx=1 [Depth of Field] depthoffield.fx=1 crysisdof.fx=0 and this is the OBGE.INI: [DepthBuffer] bUseDepthBuffer=1 bUseRAWZfix=1 [Effects] bUseEffectList=1 sEffectDirectory=data\shaders\ sEffectListFile=data\shaders\Shaderlist.txt bUseLegacyCompiler=0 bOptimize=0 bRenderHalfScreen=0 bPurgeOnNewGame=0 bNoShadersInMenus=0 bTailEffects=0 bFreezeTweaks=0 bCompileSources=1 [ScreenBuffers] iBufferTexturesNumBits=0 iBufferRawZDepthNumBits=0 iReflectionMapSize=0 iWaterHeightMapSize=0 iWaterDisplacementMapSize=0 iAutoGenerateMipMaps=2 iBufferZDepthNumBits=0 [Serialization] bSaveData=1 bLoadData=1 [PluginInterOp] bEnableInterOp=0 [General] bEnabled=1 bEnabledLOD=0 [Shaders] bUseShaderList=1 sShaderListFile=Data\Shaders\Shaderlist.txt bUseShaderOverride=1 bUseLegacyCompiler=0 bSaveShaderOverride=1 bCompileSources=1 bRuntimeSources=0 bOptimize=0 bMaximumSM=0 bUpgradeSM1X=0 sShaderOverrideDirectory=data\shaders\override\ [Textures] bPurgeOnNewGame=0 iSamplerAnisotropy=1 fSamplerLODBias=0 bSamplerDeGamma=0 bSamplerReGamma=0 [LOD] iFarNearTiles=5 iFarFarTiles=7 iFarInfTiles=11 [Meshes] bPurgeOnNewGame=1 Using OBGEv3. Anything else like liquid water etc works just fine. I also tried ENB series to get Ambient Occusion, but it just results in a flickering madness.
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