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Everything posted by whaes

  1. We need a mod that makes the compass 2x and/or 4x the size, as well as the map markers on the map. When I play on my TV with a distance of 2-3 meters it's impossible for me to see the map markers..
  2. My goal is to re play Oblivion on my Steam Deck and have the game updated as possible with gamepad support and HD textures. I have the GOTY edition on Steam with Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine. I only need mods that improves the game with the latest patches and bug fixes while having it vanilla as possible, I don't need race mods or anything that adds features to the game. What mods would you guys recommend???
  3. I'm trying to find the best way to play Skyrim on my Intel Atom Baytrail based tablet. The tablet has a Atom Z3740 Quadcore, 2GB RAM, Intel HD graphics On the lowest settings and without any mods the game runs with around 10-25fps, depending on the location and how much is going on. sometimes its unplayable in battles, thats why I look for optimizations to make it run smoother. Is there a way to make the game use more cores? Since the tablet has 4 cores I would like to make use of them. what else could help? I also preordered the GPD Win handheld which has an Atom X7 Z8700 and I think some performance optimizations could come in handy.
  4. having the same problem that some 2k textures I installed are not displayed, I'm still getting vanilla textures. 'Reset Archive Invalidation' did nothing. How do I manually check if archive invalidation is on or off?
  5. Hi, I'm trying to play Fallout 3 on my Surface Pro 2, I completed the Vault part but after leaving the Vault the graphics suddenly glitches, I see black textures and the framerate drops below 5fps, after a few seconds it crashes. I'm running Fallout 3 patch 1.7, I tried the Intel HD Graphic bypass patch and also added the Multicore fix by adding bUseThreadedAI=1 and iNumHWThreads=2 to the fallout3.ini. System specs: - Intel Core i5 4200U - Intel HD 4400 - 4GB RAM - Windows 10 X64 Also, my drivers are up2date, I have installed the latest driver for the HD4400. I can play newer games like Skyrim without any problems, just Fallout 3 is giving me a headache. I appreciate any help guys :smile:
  6. I'm trying for days to get a decent SSAO to work, tried several OBGE shaders, no luck, everything still looks bright and shadingless Tried this, makes absolutely no difference.
  7. same problem here. Shaders don't get applied/loaded... my Shaderlist.txt looks like this: [Ambient Occlusion] volumetric_ssao.fx=1 crysis_ssao.fx=0 ssao_test.fx=0 [Lighting] godrays06.fx=1 Godrays.fx=0 lightshafts.fx=1 [Depth of Field] depthoffield.fx=1 crysisdof.fx=0 and this is the OBGE.INI: [DepthBuffer] bUseDepthBuffer=1 bUseRAWZfix=1 [Effects] bUseEffectList=1 sEffectDirectory=data\shaders\ sEffectListFile=data\shaders\Shaderlist.txt bUseLegacyCompiler=0 bOptimize=0 bRenderHalfScreen=0 bPurgeOnNewGame=0 bNoShadersInMenus=0 bTailEffects=0 bFreezeTweaks=0 bCompileSources=1 [ScreenBuffers] iBufferTexturesNumBits=0 iBufferRawZDepthNumBits=0 iReflectionMapSize=0 iWaterHeightMapSize=0 iWaterDisplacementMapSize=0 iAutoGenerateMipMaps=2 iBufferZDepthNumBits=0 [Serialization] bSaveData=1 bLoadData=1 [PluginInterOp] bEnableInterOp=0 [General] bEnabled=1 bEnabledLOD=0 [Shaders] bUseShaderList=1 sShaderListFile=Data\Shaders\Shaderlist.txt bUseShaderOverride=1 bUseLegacyCompiler=0 bSaveShaderOverride=1 bCompileSources=1 bRuntimeSources=0 bOptimize=0 bMaximumSM=0 bUpgradeSM1X=0 sShaderOverrideDirectory=data\shaders\override\ [Textures] bPurgeOnNewGame=0 iSamplerAnisotropy=1 fSamplerLODBias=0 bSamplerDeGamma=0 bSamplerReGamma=0 [LOD] iFarNearTiles=5 iFarFarTiles=7 iFarInfTiles=11 [Meshes] bPurgeOnNewGame=1 Using OBGEv3. Anything else like liquid water etc works just fine. I also tried ENB series to get Ambient Occusion, but it just results in a flickering madness.
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