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  1. Thank you. I'm familiar with those programs. Funny, thought I needed to remove the shoulder-pads from the mesh or something. The simple solutions are the best.
  2. Sorry to bother you, but I'm struggling with finding out how to remove a part of an armor. To be specific I'd love to remove the huge shoulder-pads away from the Daedric armor. currently using http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3104 mod for the daedric armor, it's a huge improvement. I just always wanted that armor without the huge shoulder-pads. if anyone can link me a tutorial and / or tell me what tools I need to do this I'd be very thankful. Tried removing the shoulder-pads with Nifskope, couldn't do it. I don't know if I'm missing something or if I need to use a different, or an additional tool. Really don't know what I'm doing to be honest.
  3. What software is must have for redesigning textures. I'm currently thinking of making most armors and clothes in Skyrim to look warmer. To fit the winter environment in Skyrim. Because currently in my opinion it looks like armor and clothes fit more for a warmer climate. The idea is to make metal armors covered with fur robes to shield the heat conducting metal from cold, and to make most other armors and cloth fitting for the winter. Suggestion here and here. Although I plan to make the fur cover more of the armor. That requires a change in the design it self of the armors and clothes. - How do I edit meshes in Skyrim? - What software do I need to do this? - Where should I start? I may later edit this post to a list for others that want to learn 3d texture design.
  4. someone said http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/465230-winter-style-clothingarmor-for-skyrim/ could be a good addition to that realism mod you're thinking of.
  5. Yeah, something like that would be a good start. although I'm thinking of full body fur coats around the armors in addition. Also it seems I focused a lot on metal armors in my post. 99% of all armors and clothes need to look warmer. Not just the metal armors.
  6. sounds like a pretty good improvement to the game. I'd use that if it was available
  7. really like the idea of making own fur coats and equipping them on top of current armor. Although The game would need more balancing. I'm playing on master and it's still to easy with my current items. Some armors do need a complete makeover either way to make fur coats fit with the armor design as well.
  8. Description says it all really. Currently most clothes and armor in Skyrim look more fitting for a hotter climate then what Skyrim has to offer. This is making the Skyrim experience less then what it could have been in my opinion. * 95% or so of the clothing and armors in Skyrim need a new design to fit the weather in Skyrim. I've been swimming in full metal armors just to stand in snow storms without any concern for what damage that should really make as well. Metal is a very good conductor for heat. So being exposed to cold would cool down the wearer a lot faster then even even being naked. It's like we have a cooling sink on our CPU's, imagine wearing a full body cooling sink (armor) in a winter storm. Obviously if we look at this, the metal armors need some kind of protection from the cold.There are npcs running around in the snowy weather with thin short sleeved clothing, and some times nothing but pants. In my mind metal armors in such harsh climates should have fur robes/cloaks on top or around them to provide the user with some protection from the environment. Imagine how much better fitting some armors with fur on top of them would look. Deadra armors bothers me the most, huge unnecessary shoulder pads and exaggerated spikes on gauntlets. Not to mention the deadra helm. If those things could be toned down and the armor could have a black fur robe/cloak to protect the wearer from the cold it'd look way more bad-ass and fitting for the game. Now I'd make this myself if I could, but I do not have any 3D animation experience. Of course what I write about daedra armor applies to most other armors as well, except daedra has the most exaggerated design of all armors. And unfortunately it's the one I use because it has the best stats Does this sound reasonable as a mod, or am I the only one seeing how unfitting current Skyrim armors and clothes are for the cold environment in the game?
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