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Everything posted by NazoX9

  1. Your ideas are pretty similar to what I'm hoping to expand this in to. I've actually started a few games recently and have made some changes to this mod that will likely be coming soon as I figure things out a bit more with this. Update is now live.
  2. Not a modeller. These are all built using existing models. Added new armor. Imperial studded set.
  3. Good to see you around again. Here's my contribution. http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44927/?
  4. This is a first release of an upcoming creature, leveled list, spawn, etc.. overhaul I've been working on. Current version is wildlife only, and doesn't cover the expansions, (why it's called fauna of Vvardenfell.) It would be great if people were willing to try this out and give feedback. All regional leveled lists have been rebuilt. New creatures added, AI changed, etc.. Most hostile creatures will not spawn near civilization now, and Kwama creatures should only spawn near egg mines. -Changes- -Daedra removed from regional leveled lists. -Each regions leveled list redone. -New leveled lists created. -Fixed several incorrectly placed spawns. -Added Spiders and Trolls. -New variations of existing creatures. -Creature AI changes. Several have been made non-hostile to match in game descriptions. Updated! Removed molecrabs and scorpions, at least temporarily. Fixed AI issues with nix hounds and mudcrabs. http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44905/?
  5. With the inevitable shutdown of the bethsoft forums, I've decided to post this here. I've been working on some armors lately, and I decided to give a go at the great houses of Morrowind. Hlaalu and Redoran each have their own bonemold armor. Telvanni was sadly left out. I'm looking to address this but have been having issues with getting something that seemed to work for them. In the meantime. I started to think about the Redoran founders and masters helmets. Why just helmets? Why not have an ornate, ceremonial armor to go with them? Also, why is Redoran the only one to have anything special? I'll be using this thread to release the various armors as I go. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. Redoran Founders Armor Redone Redoran founders and masters helmets, along with a more ornate, and somewhat more protective version of the armor to go with it. The armor has been distributed accordingly into the game among high ranking members of House Redoran. Since Redoran is a more honor bound and knightly great house, the councilors will all wear the armor. I've also added a couple more Redoran masters helmets to the game in appropriate locations. Ornate Hlaalu Armor Similar idea to the Redoran founders armor. Stats are the same, but instead of distributing this to the councilors who are all uptight nobles, I've given the armor to the people guarding them. Most of the councilors had an armored bodyguard. They now wear this armor. It's also been given to the guard in Balmora who walks high town, and two standing guards wearing the armor have been added to the Hlaalu council manor. Imperial Studded Armor Finishes the Imperial studded armor set. Started as an attempt to recreate what Quorn did with the Studded armor using better bodies meshes, but wound up altering the chosen pieces and textures a bit. Morag Tong Armor Completes the Morag Tong armor set. This was made as a request, and was inspired by Morrowind concept art of a Morag Tong assassin. Also drew from, and used the pauldrons and gloves from Alaisiagae's armor.
  6. Does nobody know how to do it, or do you just not know how? I've seen in several threads where you've been given links to the required information. I also dislike this notion that a mod needs custom assets. Some do, sure, but there are plenty of great mods out there that are made just in the CS. There are also just as many bad models that have been made for this game.
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