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Posts posted by korenogamer

  1. I just bought my house in Whiterun and decorated it. Inside is an alchemy lab with a satchel on in. I was hoping that when you put your ingredients into the satchel, that when you went to make a potion, it would use the inventory of the satchel. But it doesnt.


    I would like a mod that makes this possible.



    Yes I am aware I typoed the title. I mean Lab not Lap

  2. When you open your inventory, you get a list in the far left pane showing weapons, food, ect. What I would like is sub-categories.




    Left Pane



    Middle Pane






    Right Pane

    List of item

  3. The Mod is amazing...


    You first purchase the shop. But right away its useless Then you have buy upgrades to the shop that add things. A shop clerk, guard, Office (complete with ledger and more). You even pay taxes on what you sell.

    When you add items to the stores inventory, they each have a % Chance of selling each day. The more rare (valuable) the item, the lower the chance of selling.

    When items do sell, they sell at the same price any other merchant in the game sells for.

  4. It really frustrates me that when you enter a small town the size of Riverwood, it takes you 5 game hours to talk to a person that only has a half dozen dialogue options. I can understand the timescale being 30 time faster than real time to make travel times more realistic, but it shouldnt take you half a day to talk to a person and get a quest.


    My request would be for a mod that automatically change the timescale to 1 when entering into dialogue. And then changing back to default when the conversation ends.

  5. My idea for making this work would be to make the the Caps Lock key actually cycle through a number of movement speeds.


    While on foot

    1-walk 2-jog 3-run 4-sprint


    while on horseback

    1-walk 2-trot 3-gallop 4-run

  6. Sorry, That is not helping me. I dont know what to look in. Unless I see a tutorial titled "Changing stats on another persons mod" or something like that, I dont know it its what i need. I am not interested in learning to do all kinds of moding... I only want to change the stats on armor of a mod I downloaded to match my needs.
  7. Hi there,


    I was wondering if anyone could give some instructions on how to use the toolset to edit the stats on weapons and armor of downloaded mods for personal use. I just want to change the armor type and stats for differnet classes and playthroughs. I do not plan on sharing any changes I make. It would be for personal use.

  8. cool idea so far, but

    a remote? that would be some scripting extra, why not go with a TV that you can use - the 50s had no remotes...

    Games? THAT definitely is not going to work! do you want to map extra keys to play pong inside of f3??? i'd stick with the TV

    but i guess the holotapes as Video would be nice- you could add a tape and it plays a "animation"-->a movie or something. Maybe it would be possible to add an animation to the pip-boy, so you can watch tv when youre out in the wastes...

    I understand that some people wouldnt put things in a mod that didnt exist in the 50s. You know, to kinda stay within the lore. But I just thought it would be ok anyway... I mean 80% of the clothes in the clothing mods werent in the 50s either. :) And if someone wanted, they could use Z to drop the remote into a trash can and ignore it if they wanted.

    I dont understand your comment about games and pong... I never mentioned playing games on the TV.

    As for showing the video on the pipboy... I dont think they had CRTs small enough and light enough to carry around on your wrist in the 50s... :) :)


    Keep your ideas coming... I think we can put together a great idea for a mod eventually.

  9. I would be cool if it had all the videos fallout made. Example: Jimmy and the Fat Man.


    Since "Captain Cosmos" is a popular show in fallout, you shoot take short screen shots and people talking. Make up a storyline too. (I could give some some ideas for that) There would be 3 or 4 short videos. About 5 minutes.

    I like the quest idea with the TV stations, but why not have Three dog ask you for help? Just him because he wants more views about the "Good Fight". He thinks The Adventures of Herbert Daring Dashwood isn't good enough. (Which would be another good show with short pictures of fallout NPCs.


    Quest names could be:

    Radiation King

    Galaxy News Television


    Other ideas?

    I was thinking the GNTV quest could start automatically when you first turn on the TV. You would get a message telling you that there are no signals. And that you should set out to one of the local TV stations to see about helping with repairs. When you arrive at the GNTV station (location yet decided) you are greeted by some security. After proving yourself as an ally (maybe a collection quest of sorts for materials), you are allowed to speak with management. You then start "The Defense of GNTV". The Enclave has gotten word about the TV station being repaired and wants to claim it for themselves. For a set period of time, you will have to hold off attacks by the Enclave. This battle will be very crazy and filled with action. If the player dies, the quest fails. If the captain of security dies, you fail. If the Enclave reach a specified floor in the tower, the quest fails. This battle with require tactics and a couple followers. There would be several different routes to climb the tower and all must be protected and/or patrolled. When Enclave soldiers are spotted, a siren sounds and an announcement is made as to where they were seen. The player would then have so much time to get to the spot and finish off the wave.


    Hows that for an idea? I just thought it up on the fly after I read your post and started my reply.. So please be gentle. :)

  10. Thanks for the thoughts.


    I dont know enough about resource requirement for stuff so I have no idea if something would be too much for the game engine or computer inself. But in my experience. There is almost always a way to get something done. :)

  11. I just had another thought....


    As far as the TV shows, the mod could be created to allow for modders to add their own TV shows.... These could range from interviews to comedy skits.


    A website would need to be started to house the library of TV shows. and All shows would stream over the internet straight to the games TV. A screening proccess would ne needed to prevent the wrong kind of TV shows. :)


    /Sigh .. The more I write down the more I think of. This mod could easily become a huge endevor. Making it work with other modders' added content (like TERMINATOR) and Current and future DLC, will be the biggest challenge.



    And yet another thought that just popped in my head.... A MTV station for user submitted music videos. They would stream from the same website.

  12. I would love to see a bigscreen version of this. One that will play videos. It would need to be an ESM so it could be placed in other peoples housing mods.


    Lets try to make this happen. If enough people would want to help, we could do this... Here are some starting points


    - Quests to rebuild TV stations. Every station repaired adds a new channel.

    - Stations to start with could be a Galaxy News TV station and a Enclave TV station. Both of these would require a lot of work to create Hosts for the shows and naimate them. More stations could be added by future mods.

    - VCR - Could play movies on your computer

    - 2 versions (normal TV, Bigscreen projection)

    - New item ... Remote control - this would bring up an onscreen menu when used with options like any normal remote.




    The GNR TV station would be a fun one. It would, however, require a tone of voice acting. The TV Host could give the same news updates as on the radio, but with added animation and pictures of the player in action. These pictures would have to generic shots. Screenshots (male and female) would need to be taken. The gender off the player would determine the shot shown. The shots would need to be B&W as though they are being taken by a sneaky little person that works for Galaxy News following the player around. Getting the screenshots would be time consuming. Imagine doing the quests in the game as male and female, and then also doing the good and bad routes. The show could have special guests like Reily, Elder Lyons, Doctor Li, and more. They could be split screen interviews like you see today.


    There could be news coverage of the conflict between Skynet and the Resistance if you have the Terminator mod.


    The sky is the limit with a TV mod. Cause you can add news coverage of all 3 DLC as well.


    My idea of how to best get this off the ground....


    Release 1

    Working TVs, Video Player, and remote control to play videos on the gamers computer. This would also be an ESM so the items could be placed in housing mods.



    Then after thats up and running bug free, we add the quests to repair the Galaxy News and Enclave TV Stations. creating the TV shows would then be a major feat. We would need to make hosts, Guests, animations, and do voice acting. Creating the TV shows would be the fun part.


    I dont know the first thing about scripting and modding, but I am creative and could write the quests and TV shows.


    Lets hear some of your ideas

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