Just like others have stated I think some people are getting Minimum and Recommended specs confused. A minimum spec is usually what a company considers bar minimum to play the game. Low graphics settings, sub-optimal play experience. Of course some people will be able to get away with playing the game with PCs that don't meet these specifications, but it's a case of CYA on Bethesda's part if you can't. Recommended specs are usually what I would consider 'Minimum decent play experience'. I look at these for decent framerates at mid-high graphics settings. All depends on how much we're allowed to tweak the graphics settings. They'll never say 'Have this to run our game on maximum settings'. That's just asking for trouble. 6GB HDD space has me a bit concerned, as I stare at my Rage folder properties showing 22GB...(cross fingers for separate downloadable high-res texture pack, or wait for the modding community to take of it).