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About Tcafitra

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  1. There will be plenty of choice for you to hoarde your wares. There will most likely be an opportunity for you to purchase a home in any of the major towns. If none of those suit you, create one! (When we get our hands on the Creation Kit of course)
  2. Wow... massacre :pirate: Something tells me there's a direct correlation between 847 people killed and his 48,111(!) bounty :ohdear:
  3. Can we get a confirmation? Someone that's playing hit F5 then F9! Tell us what happens!
  4. I timed it, it took me 27 minutes. That's why I get games from Steam, most times it's quicker to d/l than it is to actually go to the store and get it! :biggrin:
  5. Hmmm yea if you go by which country gets to Midnight Thursday first, New Zealand wins! The funny thing is PST will be one of the last places to unlock (Feel really bad for anyone in Hawaii, unlocking almost an entire day later...)
  6. We all do. There was a bit of confusion at first because Steam had it set to PST (GMT - 8 ) but now it will change itself to 12:01AM local time, whatever that is for you.
  7. I honestly have no clue. Adding all the hours I've played Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind & Oblivion... Guessing in the 500-1000 range
  8. Bugger. 30 mins to d/l, just under 2 days left to wait. Will probably try to bank up some sleep, I surely won't be getting much this weekend...
  9. I won't watch this either. I'm trying to be very careful, avoiding spoilers now there are official copies floating around in the public. I may just lay low until release just to be safe. We've waited this long, I don't wanted to stumble across some D-bag dumping the entire main storyline and ruining it.
  10. Yep, I've been playing it with a few mates to kill time until Skyrim is released and it's surely addictive fun. A bargain of a tenner (Sterling). Right now we're busy doing all the challenges to gather trophies that decorate your tavern :)
  11. I sure hope this is the case for those of us across the pond (UK here), although on Steam Skyrim is listing as unlocking itself @ 12am PST :confused:
  12. It is sad, TES: Arena is what got me into The Elder Scrolls series (not that I knew at the time they were going to keep making them). I remember getting stuck for days at certain points trying to figure out the damn puzzles to retrieve another piece of the staff. This was back in the days before the internet was how it is now and you could just google the answer!
  13. Just like others have stated I think some people are getting Minimum and Recommended specs confused. A minimum spec is usually what a company considers bar minimum to play the game. Low graphics settings, sub-optimal play experience. Of course some people will be able to get away with playing the game with PCs that don't meet these specifications, but it's a case of CYA on Bethesda's part if you can't. Recommended specs are usually what I would consider 'Minimum decent play experience'. I look at these for decent framerates at mid-high graphics settings. All depends on how much we're allowed to tweak the graphics settings. They'll never say 'Have this to run our game on maximum settings'. That's just asking for trouble. 6GB HDD space has me a bit concerned, as I stare at my Rage folder properties showing 22GB...(cross fingers for separate downloadable high-res texture pack, or wait for the modding community to take of it).
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