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  1. You need a HDT compatible CBBE body...At least you didn't say that you installed one using Bodyslide. Did you install a HDT compatible bodymod? Because it will not work on a CBBE vanilla body.
  2. Difficult to say what exactly caused the issue, but it seems that the game tried to play a movement animation which failed entirely or halfway. May I ask if this only applies to your character? Are NPC's walking around correctly? You can try these commands in the console: SAE IdleStop - Stops many normal animations SAE IdleChairExitStart - Stops most sitting/kneeling animations SAE IdleLayDown_exit - Stops most laying down animations SAE HugA - a short hug animation that seems to stop any idle (don't know why) I'm pretty sure the issue has to do with some kind of animation problem. Run FNIS after this and generate a new animation patch. You do use FNIS, don't you? I'm not familiar with all your mods but I think I saw a few custom animation mods in there. My best bet is one of those is causing the problem.
  3. Wait, wait, wait Now I'm a bit confused :ermm: So you made a custom body in bodyslide (e.g. you took a premade CBBE body and adjusted the sliders to your liking.) Then you saved that preset. You adjusted the armors to the body preset you generated, which as you say worked correctly. Did you export your adjusted body preset to the game too? Because thats the only thing I can find in your description that may be incorrect.
  4. Dito if my first aid advices didn't work then we need the Mod list. NOT just the esp's! All mods (especially replacers) which are currently installed.
  5. Basically you modified the body but you didn't modify the armor piece. My advice: 1. Get the All-in-one mod for the armors https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83383/? 2. Get the optional Bodyslide files under "Miscellaneous" (You're using the CBBE body, right?) 3. Adapt the armor files to your custom body settings in Bodyslide (Don't hesitate to ask again here if you don't know how that works)
  6. The headmeshes for human and elven races are missing or have been replaced by an incompatible mesh. You got 3 options: try and find the mod that replaced the vanilla headmeshes with incompatible ones (most likely culprit) If the headmeshes are really missing, you can use Steam's file verification function to re-download them (I find this highly unlikely...If the accompanied archive is missing single entries like the headmeshes then some mod you downloaded messed with your game files in a very bad way. Again...I find this highly unlikely) Download a custom headmesh form the Nexus (not only will this likely fix your problem but also replace the clunky vanilla meshes with better ones)Here is the ones I use: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7127/? Concerning your other issue I would simply delete racemenu entirely and then re-download it. Somehow you made an update of racemenu I guess without deleting the old version first. That would be my guess for the cause.
  7. I use GIMP for making easy changes to textures. IMHO is a much cleaner/better way than using some kind of TexBlender for editing difuse or other maps. Remember to get the optional dds plugin for Skyrim.
  8. Hmmm....hope I don't paint the devil's face on the wall here. But in any case you should do a thorough check on Malware programs on your PC. Possibly even try 2 different programs. I will not advise a specific program. Don't know if admins see that as advertisement or not.... Did you get the same error from other apps?
  9. I found it. Strange thing though that I was able to find that instantly by searching for it in Google. When I did the same in the Nexus search I came up empty or not with what I needed. Whatever thanks for the nod in that direction. Consider it closed.
  10. Hello there I got a rather simple question/request about the armor rack (the mannequins that came with Contraptions DLC I guess) I use a CBBE body for my character. Every time I put an armor on a mannequin the texture underneath is being messed up. Naturally since the texture is vanilla. Is there a mod that makes the mannequins CBBE compatible? Or is there an option for it in Bodyslide maybe that I overlooked? Any help would be appreciated.
  11. An easy way to handle all these issues about how to find stuff is this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64905/? That should solve all your problems
  12. I see 2 errors in MO in your first picture (the warning sign). What are those errors? I had a similar problem once after a windows update. Try and deactivate all mods and then reactivate them.
  13. When people actually learn something from what I explain...thats music to my ears :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. No need to apologise! In your case the relevant files are compressed in a bsa archive. It's the file "SMSkyrim - Compressed.bsa". You need a bsa extractor to browse/get the files you need. I guess you don't use Mod Organiser? (It would contain a bsa extractor function) Since I'm quite sure you use NMM you need a separate tool. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56063/?
  15. Honestly you should consider using Mod Organizer instead of NMM. It would make finding the culprit alot easier. Serana's face mesh seems to get lost in any event that reloads her files. Better Vampires does not contain any files that change Serana's appearance, so I'm puzzled about which files cause the option to overwrite. In any case....you have some mod installed which either A) Changes the appearance of all vampires and thereby messes her up too or B) Does the same with just Serana. I need a Modorder for that not just esps. All mods replacers included.
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