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  1. Hmm...report that one from the in-program feedback system. That sounds like a bug to me.
  2. Click the gray boxes that say "Disabled" on the Mods tab. Plugins won't show up until the mods are actually enabled.
  3. Okay, emotions aside, this is a problem that can be dealt with. Somewhere in your UI, you've got a setting that got messed up, or something. Mine shows my plugins in their actual load order, exactly like MO2. Now, I will admit that I've clicked around on just about everything, so I might have changed something from the default; I don't remember... The first step to try is to make sure that the Mod Index column is visible on the Plugins tab. Then, do an ascending sort by Mod Index. The order will then be the actual load order that the game's engine is going to use.
  4. Hrm. Okay, I'll have to think about this one a bit. I'm not exactly an expert with .js errors, but I'll see if I can't come up with something.
  5. Oops, missed seeing that one, somehow. Well, my advice would have been the same.
  6. Hmm...Just at a glance, I'd say there's a javascript problem in the guts somewhere... Is your Java install up-to-date? That would probably be a good place to start trying to hash this out.
  7. I just got this one myself. Let's see if it goes away on its own for me, too. EDIT: Clicking "Quit" under the "requires login" banner and restarting Vortex removed the error.
  8. At the bottom of the main Dashboard pane is a list of the available tools (i.e., .exe files, etc.) for whatever game profile is activated. Click on the big button that says "New Tool" and point it at the xxSE loader .exe; it's as simple as that. If you want, you can even designate that loader with the "Make Primary" menu item so that clicking the run button at the top left loads it instead of the default program.
  9. Per-file conflict resolution isn't implemented yet, but it's being looked into, as I understand.
  10. Yeah, it is doing similar things for me. Which mod, does the version number follow semantic standards? (1.2.4 etc.) Is the file vs mod page version/main file correct? Did you install it from the Nexus or manually via archive? 1. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29359 2. Yes (However, I just updated the download and the page to use MO standard in an attempt to bypass the problem) 3. Yes 4. Installed from Nexus, as an easy one to download to unlock MO2 port
  11. After a quick bit of investigating, it looks like the problem is that Vortex is reading "1.0" and MO's standard "" as separate versions.
  12. I find myself rather amused by the fact that I told Vortex to check FO4 mods for updates and it's claiming a mod I know damn well is the most current version is out of date... ...It's MY MOD. Heh...
  13. No, manual reordering is impossible. The only option is to set dependencies so LOOT knows how to sort the plugins.
  14. I think that the point is that that functionality is on a per-mod basis, when some experienced MO users are wanting a per-file basis.
  15. And could conceivably break upgrading, depending on how Vortex handles mod-version upgrades.
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