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  1. Yeah I was looking at those (mainly the New Crafting and Economy mod but don't want weapons unlocked) but none that I read mentioned increases to the capacity of any recipe only that they were more involved material wise to make. As for compilations, don't think I want to involve those to many changes included like revealed maps etc.; I like to work for that. I only have issues with restricted currency, etc,. That and how hides, leafs etc didn't stack. Speaking of which is there a mod that makes at least the plant leaves stack? lol Thanks for the info, Geoff There is one compilation that I think you'd really enjoy. It's my personal favourite. It's Munish Compilations - http://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/134/? This compilation isn't a complete game changer like most, this just alters a few things which I think is almost perfect for how I like to play. Oddly enough it's weirdly similar to yours. Now it isn't going to add more recipes into the game, it just raises the maximum wallet to $11,00, Syringe kits up to 38, etc., definitely take a look, I think you'd like this one. (of course you'll have to craft them, it's not that easy) This is about how close you're going to get in terms of what you want, but of course you can post a topic on the 'Mod Requests' forum. I'm sure someone would be kind enough to create it, as I'm sure many people would like that too, including myself. I may end up creating one myself. As for the leaves stacking, I don't think that is possible, but I may be wrong. You could also go into the chat and ask like I did, I'm sure they'd help you out! :-) But yeah, I hope this helps. ~Gloom. *EDIT: It also changes the colours of the clothes that you (Jason), and the pirates wear. The pirates are green now. This changes it up a little, and gives it a bit more excitement into the game, especially since I've completed FC3 over 20 times.*
  2. Hey Geoff! There are a ton of mods that introduce bigger wallet sizes, syringe kits, etc. But of course, you'll have to work for them! I suggest you take a look at the 'Crafting' category of the mods, located here: http://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=11 After you've taken a look at those, you should definitely check out the 'Compilations' category, located here: http://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=10 This brings in a whole lot of the greatest/helpful mods of Far Cry 3 and compiles them into 1 mod, there's loads for you to check out! I hope this helps. ~Gloom.
  3. Hey, my name's Ziggy! (or Gloom, whichever you prefer.) So, I've just gotten my Gaming PC and have been playing Ziggy's Mod, etc. I'm enjoying my time so far, but like any other game; Far Cry has some flaws that I'd like to edit for my liking. So here's where I need you, how do I actually "edit" Far Cry? Are their any tutorials? (I've been looking on YouTube and have found nothing.) Thank you for any replies! ~Ziggy/Gloom. :blush:
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