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  1. Sinblood robe or something. Try searching for sinblood on nexus, you'll find their mods.
  2. Here: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=31340
  3. There's always the potion making as a solution. Go harvest ingredients and make potions that will be more expensive than the ingredients.
  4. Name : Tristan Adan Age : 341 Date of birth: 3E93 Hearthfire 3rd , on the day of The Tales and Tallows festival or Nocturnal's Festival Race : Half Imperial, Half High Elf Starsign: The Shadow Class: Spellsword Appearence : Dark brown hair with brown eyes Height : 185 cm Current job : Dark Brotherhood's Acolyte, Arena Grand Champion, Fighter Guild's Master Theme : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvrZxK3zs-o Favorite quote : "Great power demands great control. Rage, fury... those feelings grant power. And weaken control." and "Life may create life. But it cannot control it." Things important to him : Loyalty, friendship, survival, to be accepted for who he is, not for what he is Things he hates : Betrayal, fakeness, prejudicies, getting into hopless situations Weapons : Gurthang ( meaning Iron of Death ) - his longsword, Blutgang ( Blood Fetcher ) - his shield Armor : he usually uses light armor, but he's not by any means stranger to the heavy armor Animals owned : Hashmeth ( Majesty/Splendor )- his horse, and Keriss Might just convince him to adopt a stray kitty she saw roaming the streets of Chorrol. Might with a capital M. Childhood: Having an Imperial mother made life a little difficult since the High Elves were once allied with the Ayleids and they resented Imperials for their downfall so he grew up mostly alone, tough they were never mean on purpose. Teenage: He left home when she was 17 and lived as a mercenary for a while. That way, he got to know Vicente Valtieri and become sort of friends, as much as he can be friend with someone. Every now and then he does small favors for Vicente, including taking care of a brat for him. A sexy brat who's a LOT younger than him and he does his best to remember that, but the brat won't behave and get the point. How could she not understand that running around in her underwear in the house is not something that most people do? And gods help him, her father and the whole army of Ulthuan will kill him before he does as much as lay a finger on her. He's done lots of things in life that he's not proud of in order to get away from his elven legacy. Best Friend : Keriss Idris, Vicente Valtieri, Lucien Lachance Worst Enemy : Keriss Idris ( that damn brat will drive him crazy soon ) Combat Preference : Melee or Stealth Combat Style: A longsword combined with his shield and a few destruction spells; rare but poweful Greatest Fear : To show his weakness, Regrets, The moment when Keriss' father finds out that he's half Imperial. That damn old man was alive when the Ayleid fell into ruin and still holds for that. Main Weakness : He's too unyielding Main Strength : His ability to make the impossible possible Friendly Races : Imperial Neutral Races : Most of them Hostile Races : Ayleid Preferred Food : Venison, Mutton Favorite color : Black, Red, Green http://i.imgur.com/b6ZNc.jpg
  5. 3rd girl from the left: It's called Lion Heart and can be found on some Russian site. Actually, 3 of those outfits in the first picture are Tera rips. You can get the 4th one from here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39300
  6. Name : Keriss Idris Age : 21 Date of birth: 3E413 Evening star 31st , on the day of the Old Life Festival Race : Vampiric High Elf Starsign: The Serpent Class: Nightblade Appearence : Blonde with blue-grayish eyes Height : 1.71 cm Physique : Slender Current job : Dark Brotherhood's Listener, Empire Champion Theme : Favorite quote : "Some truths were never meant to be discovered." Things important to her : Family, loyalty, friendship, traditions, order and hierarchy Things she hates : Betrayal, chaos, lies Weapons : Runya ( Fiery One )- her claymore ( rarely used ), Camisil ( Leap to the Moon ) - her bow, Morwen ( Dark Lady ) - her longsword (which she usually carries on her back ), Baelreth ( Arcane Guardian ) - her pair of long knives Armor : she usually uses light armor, but she's not by any means stranger to the heavy armor Animals owned : Hiswe ( which means mist ), her mearh, a gift from her father ; she's planning to get a pet in the near future Childhood: She spend most of her childhood in Ulthuan, her father being one of the members of Ulthuan Council. She had a happy childhood and she was trained since she was little in the art of combat, her favorite weapons being the long blades and the bows. Teenage: She was infected with vampirisim and she joined the Dark Brotherhood in attempt to find a cure for it because she heard a rumor that Vicente Valtieri might know something. Though she had quite a hard time at first and wanted out, Vicente gave her a partner to take care of the things she didn't like to do and taught her how to kill with grace and style. She quickly learned to like her contracts after that and she advanced in rank until she became the Listener. After being arrested once for taking a fight with her partner, Adan, too far she became acquittance with the emperor and delivered the amulet safely to his heir after she escaped from prison. She did the other quests too because she was too bored but none of the titles mean anything to her, with the exception of Listener and Empire's Champion. Best Friend : Tristan Adan Worst Enemy : Tristan Adan Combat Preference : Melee or Stealth Combat Style: A longsword or a bow with lots of destruction spells ( being a High elf had its advantages beside the huge pride ) Greatest Fear : To lose, to make mistakes Main Weakness : Her pride Main Strength : Her skills in battle and her clear head Friendly Races : High Elves, Ayleid Neutral Races : Wood Elves, Dark Elves Hostile Races : Orcs, Imperials Prefered Food : Fruit, Venison Favorite color : Blue, black, purple http://i.imgur.com/v0bmr.jpg Edit: added a few details, edited some mistakes.
  7. Actually it's Narae 02. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40579
  8. No it isn't :tongue: This outfit is called "Lady Sexy" :wink: Look at my post (#12091) :blush: The feathers are from Lady underwear. I've got the mod installed and I'm currently using it. Edit: here's one of the pictures of the mod preview: Mild NSFW ( a girl in underwear )
  9. The cloth/ underwear / feathers are from a russian mod called Lady Underwear by Krista. Remember, Google is always your good friend.
  10. Thanks for the reply, but that's not the one. That's Avalanche Princess or something like that. Google for battle princess, it should be in that pack.
  11. The characters in the first picture use Saram hair. Download from here. ( a little piece of advice : look at the Tolkien Elves, Blood Elves or Blood Witches for better hair )
  12. That's actually Azure Palace, not IC. Download it from here.
  13. That's an sks ren hair. Try to google it and you'll find a mediafire and a megaupload pack.
  14. http://tesadventures.com/forum/index.php?topic=3392.0
  15. This isn't really the right place to ask that. You should ask things that you can't find but know for sure they exist: seen them in a screenshot, had them but you can't remember the name, etc. Start a recommendation thread on one of the boards and ask there. You should receive more than an answer.
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