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Status Updates posted by Isilmeriel

  1. Thanks for the videos! :) I'm totally jealous that you got the real thing from United Cutlery
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MotoSxorpio


      Now you have TWO :dance: I love it!
    3. aqYpa


      Greetings!) my name is Ilya I from Russia we here with people very much wait your model of sword Frodo Baggins http://admirador.ru/...p?g2_itemId=554 please make it.


    4. tredmillion


      hahaha the people of russia are relying on you isil!
  2. Thank you! Happy new year to you too!
  3. Thanks for the reply :) I was thinking the Iron Maiden one.
  4. Do you by any chance give out permissions for retextures of your mod?
  5. Finally bought a wacom intuos4 after 4 years of wait! :D
    1. aqYpa


      Swords simply super! You couldn't make sword Frodo Baggins for a full collection Would be abruptly).
  6. Exams >:(
    1. Flintlockecole


      Smack em with a stick... err use that repository of knowledge to get through em.
    2. Earthbringer
  7. I'm super sick :(
  8. I've been sick, and missed school work, and now working my butt off trying to make up for that, not having a lot of luck :c
  9. It's summer, summer, gotta get down on summer... Looking forward to hop into the water, water
    1. alonsomartinez


      haha rebecca black remix xD
    2. Brittn


      tho...I think I might like this song better ^^
  10. is having wisdom tooth pulled today :( owww?
    1. KennethKarl


      Had mine pulling back in August of 2008. Hurts don't it?


    2. KennethKarl


      Had mine pulling back in August of 2008. Hurts don't it?


  11. is hating wisdom tooth
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