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Everything posted by Isilmeriel

  1. So much bad rep for a meager 25%, who would do that :S
  2. Disable all your mods and run it at its vanilla state, does it still happen?
  3. You can't get his mod here because unlike Steam, Nexus does not allow stolen contents. He didn't make the outfit, he took the mesh and texture from Lord of the Rings Conquest, like he previously did with Sauron's armour. He's been banned here for half a dozen times or so. The guy doesn't make stuff, he steals them.
  4. Being generally disappointed with the Hearthfire homes, I want to resurrect an old idea about making a new Akaviri styled home, modelled after Japanese architecture somewhere with a nice scenic view, and perhaps an Asian-themed garden. I don't plan on using vanilla skyrim assets for the architecture and can handle the modelling of new tilesets. I am however terrible with creation kit landscaping and object placement or anything to do with CK in general, so would need some expert help in that department. So in case anyone is skilled with CK area generation and has previous experiences, please let me know if this is something you'd be interested in.
  5. Bethesda is pretty clear against porting materials from one product to another, and this probably includes DLCs. It does not matter whether you modify the mesh and textures, if you used even a small part of them, your mod will be stuck specifically for that product, to do otherwise would violate EULA. There's really no ambiguity about it as far as I know. To enforce things on your end, you need to make your mod dependent on the dawnguard esm.
  6. Yeah I always send mirrored UVs to the +1 tile.
  7. Thanks, Ghogiel. Do you happen to know the what the numbers representing target variable in interpolators correspond with? It's set at 11 right now which apparently controls glow multiplier. Which one controls alpha opacity?
  8. I'm trying to replicate the smootly blinking glow effect from Volundrung onto my custom weapon, with some modifications. Volundrung's nif has a BSLightingPropertyColourController with a few things nested under it in a really confusing structure. I tried copying the branch over to my own weapon and then changing the mesh and textures to mine but I failed to observe the animated glow. Can anyone please help me with this? I can seCund over the nif and textures. Currently I have a static glow and it's incredibly boring and artificial-looking. Some blinking or oscillation should make it much more dynamic. http://i522.photobucket.com/albums/w347/bethdeacon/screenshot-1.jpg http://i522.photobucket.com/albums/w347/bethdeacon/sting_textured.jpg
  9. Did you happen to only bake half of the model and then just symmetried to make the other side? That'd explain the very obvious seams. If you intend to bake half a symmetrical mesh, you need to make sure the other half has a different smoothing group than the first. To make a chrome effect, use a really dark diffuse texture, and then apply an envmap, perhaps the aptly named textures\cubemaps\chrome_e.dds
  10. I've asked this before but that was prior to SKSE and all the fancy new stuff. Is there any way using CK scripting or SKSE to make a particular visual effect (eg. glow) or enchantment togglable with either a hotkey or a script? Would appreciate any help.
  11. wrist? The weapon itself needs to have the grip at 0,0,0 to have the hand grip there. The scabbard will match the weapon position so that it looks sheathed, but will not move with the weapon when you draw it. If however you want the scabbard to attach to some other bone instead of the scabbard waist bone, then that's more of an animation issue where you'd need to tweak the bones themselves.
  12. The name scb determines if it moves or not with the weapon. However, you may only have 1 object called scb under the main node, so if you rename your dagger scb in addition to the original scabbard, it would not work properly. There's an easy solution to this. Simply make another Bsfade node under the main node and name it scb, then copy and paste any scabbard trishapes into this new scb node. This is useful if your scabbard has separate parts, but isn't necessary if you only have one nitrishape called scb.
  13. Because it's cool to spend 800 hours building a mountain sized house for one person to live in :facepalm: On a more serious note, probably will have more luck to pick out a specific building inside the city and provide plenty of detailed reference shots, if you seriously want anything.
  14. That or disable the vertex colour tag in the shader properties of that NiTriShape
  15. On a related note, others might have suggested this before but it'd be nice to have a section just above the commenting tab where the mod author can post some FAQs. It dawned to me that most commenters don't bother to read the description page and ask questions that have been answered time and time again. There are times I feel like -99 the comments that repeatedly ask the same questions, but then I'd be hiding the vast majority of the comments...
  16. King of the North sounds great, very Game of Thrones-ish, especially with a fur cloak.
  17. Aside from Issagar, do any of these mods add a new worldspace? I checked the Alagaesia site but they haven't posted much progress. I'm mostly interested in making architecture, weapons and items. Too bad none of the old morrowind teams decided to start adding the rest of Tamriel, one small piece at a time.
  18. I can't get emittance working for me and couldn't find a tutorial on window lighting with it. In the end I managed to use the script I linked above on a separate lit version of the windows to toggle them on and off based on time. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/thumbnails/1232514-1339118350.jpg http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/thumbnails/1232514-1339006294.jpg
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