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Everything posted by Isilmeriel

  1. The wikia for skyrim and many users on the internet claim that Dawnbreaker glows brighter near the undead, or certain types of enemies in general. There are even a youtube video or two that show the blade (not just the hilt) glowing white hot. Yet I've tried out the weapon in game and it never glowed any differently when near enemies of any type. I opened it up in CK and checked out the enchantment on it and the encompassing script, neither of which had any glowing property aside from the standard Fire Enchantment FX. I also checked out the nif of the weapon and found a looped time controller for the glow animation on the blade itself, which by itself would not have anything to do with proximity to enemies in game. So I'm wondering, if this alleged enemy-sensing glow is achieved by neither script nor nif, is it merely a skyrim urban myth, or maybe a random glitch that stopped the glow animation controller loop?
  2. Thanks for the videos! :) I'm totally jealous that you got the real thing from United Cutlery
  3. Oh I was under the impression that the mods append to the seller's inventory instead of replacing. I seem to remember my Oblivion mods working fine when they were sold by the same vendor. No way to resolve that other than combining the esps?
  4. I recently posted 2 addon weapons and for some odd reason enabling both ESPs causes one to overwrite another in game (Eorland sells one but not the other when he's supposed to sell both). I'm guessing it's a formID conflict but am unsure about it and Skyedit also doesn't allow manual formID editting. Would anyone be able to look through these ESPs and help me resolve the issue? I'm aware that i can merge the two weapons into a single ESP but I'd rather keep them separate for now until I make a few more other items. Here are the two files: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6687 http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5727 Thanks.
  5. Aww looks still quite technical and convoluted. I'd love to make something with new animations but am technically challenged :( Hopefully I can port over some of my oblivion animation stuff at some point
  6. How do you make skyrim animations? Is there a tutorial that I wasn't able to find somewhere?
  7. Encountered another issue. I found that the dagger sheath is worn at a different angle than a sword sheath, and further to the front of the hips. Is there any way to move my sword scabbard there too? How do I adjust the positioning of scabbards? Also, for some reasons in the inventory view of my weapon shows the sword with its pummel pointed straight at the viewer instead of tip-down like all skyrim weapons. How do I fix this?
  8. Never mind, figured it out :) Just need to put both scb:0 and scb:1 in a BSFadeNote named Scb
  9. I made a scabbard for a back weapon and named the NiTriShape "scb", and it worked correctly in Skyrim. However problem arises when I split this one scabbard mesh into two parts (so that I can use a different material for each part), with both named scb, only the first object works as a scabbard, the second would behave like part of the sword and stick to it. I didn't have this issue back in Oblivion and I hope there's a fix for this in skyrim, can anyone help please?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MotoSxorpio


      Now you have TWO :dance: I love it!
    3. aqYpa


      Greetings!) my name is Ilya I from Russia we here with people very much wait your model of sword Frodo Baggins http://admirador.ru/...p?g2_itemId=554 please make it.


    4. tredmillion


      hahaha the people of russia are relying on you isil!
  10. Thank you! Happy new year to you too!
  11. Thanks for the reply :) I was thinking the Iron Maiden one.
  12. Back in Oblivion there was only one body mesh and I could just build the outfit around that body and rig it. In skyrim, I found that there are two versions of separate body parts for each gender, for example femalebody_0.nif, femalebody_1.nif, femalehands_0.nif, femalehands_1.nif ... I realize that 0 is the thinner version and 1 is the bigger body type. Can someone tell me which of the two versions I should use to build my outfit around and how to make it fit every body type?
  13. Do you by any chance give out permissions for retextures of your mod?
  14. Finally bought a wacom intuos4 after 4 years of wait! :D
    1. aqYpa


      Swords simply super! You couldn't make sword Frodo Baggins for a full collection Would be abruptly).
  15. Exams >:(
    1. Flintlockecole


      Smack em with a stick... err use that repository of knowledge to get through em.
    2. Earthbringer
  16. I'm super sick :(
  17. I've been sick, and missed school work, and now working my butt off trying to make up for that, not having a lot of luck :c
  18. I think I kind of understand what you mean. I thought of something like it too, have the "fake" two handed sword as a wornable item. However in the character skeleton there is no weapon bone. Where should I rig these weapons to?
  19. I've been trying to make a weapon that when worn, looks like you have both a one-handed sword on your hips, and a two-handed sword on your back, in their respective locations. Only the one-handed weapon is real while the two-handed sword is just a static object, sort of like a second scabbard rigged to the backweapon bone. I have no idea if it's possible to use two different weapon rigging positions for one nif. Could anyone help me with this or come up with a workaround?
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