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Posts posted by AlexanderJVelicky

  1. My mods have all been translated into Russian and none of them contain nudity, overdone obscenity, or anime girls...


    I think mods can be translated into whatever language they want. If you see one in another language, tag it as such and then don't check that tag when searching.


    For my mod when someone offers to translate, I always just have them host it on their preferred site, so that people who speak only another language (Like RU or CZ) don't have to try to navigate an English website to use the translated version. It works out better for everyone. But some people still post translations here, so just tag 'em and move on.

  2. Child voice actors are really hard to find. I was COMPLETELY lucky with the one I got, and he was one person out of like 80 interested parties. I'd suggest just finding younger sounding adults then stretching the truth with the magic of the players imagination to sell the part. It will be far easier then finding legitimate young actors/actresses.
  3. Make it a master, then if they don't have that master (Don't have DG) the game will crash upon starting until they disable your mod's esp.


    If you don't make DG a master of your mod, it will load regardless, but any place where a DG model is used, it will be a giant red diamond with an exclamation point in it, signifying a missing model or texture.

  4. They are different and this is a blurry line. You are not allowed to use things from one game in another game, at all. Some people have tried using them then giving instructions for the user to extract them manually, so since you would have to alter the meshes you can't even do that. Which again is walking a fine line.


    I'm sure you could find someone in the community to make you a teddy bear though.

  5. You do need 1000 downloads on one of the sites to access that board.

    Yup. If you have a mod uploaded with over 1000 unique downloads you get access to a 'private' author section so like 95% of the people here can't get in and you can get right down to business.


    I kind of wish it was 1000 on any site... I don't have access to it yet in the Skyrim area, but my Fallout mod have way more than enough downloads. xD

  6. Then in the ban appeal, "I didn't know that insulting, trolling and flaming people who freely give their time to make these mods would get me banned. It was just my own opinion and I demand be allowed to give my opinion no matter how untrue, biased, totally obnoxious and profanity laden it is. If you don't reinstate me so I can do it again, I will run off to some other site and tell them what jerks the people at Nexus are." :facepalm:

    That explains why everyone 'hates' the nexus for it's unfair bans. Lol. Whenever I ask people 'what did you do' they're like, "Oh nothing. I just [censored] [censored] [censored], [censored] and [censored], but was [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] because [censored] [censored]."


    It always makes me laugh...


    The sad truth is many a modder have quit because to put it plainly, people are dicks. If the dickery feels like it outweighs the complimentary side of modding, they leave. It also has to do with how much they enjoy it. If they don't really like it, they're FAR more likely to leave. I'm in this for a job, so there isn't anything any group of people could say to make me quit, but trust me, I've wanted too before.

  7. There is a lot of Stuck Up Modders as well. I thought I should put that out there. Ones that believe that no matter what there is no way anything could be the fault of their HOLIER THAN THOU MOD.

    To add some perspective to this statement, there are also a lot of stuck up mod users. I get so many people that are persistant on blaming my mod for issues, which are very clearly either another mods fault, or user error. Yet they insist that I must be the one to fix it.


    Remember, us modders are putting hundreds, some even thousands of hours of our lives into these mods. Sometimes we are treated poorly, and things can get on our nerves. If you remain polite while talking to a modder, no matter the situation, and if they can hopefully do the same, we can keep the community light and friendly.

  8. Type 'Priest' in the filter box and set the filter to 'All' or 'Static'. If that doesn't work try 'Dragon' as the keyword. It's not hard to find I've seen it a BUNCH while looking for other objects you just have to put forth a bit of effort. :)
  9. I've seen mods on the Nexus that update and modify the existing World Map, so I know it's accessible.


    However, is it possible to create a second world map, and load it on command?


    Example: A mod wanted to go off-Skyrim, would the player be able to access a map of the world they were in now, complete with markers and fast travel? And when they returned to Skyrim, the Skyrim map is restored?

    Yup. As long as your new worldspace has functional LOD, the game will load the map. There's a few settings you need to set in the Worldspace window (Copy them from Tamriel, then tweak them to match your worldspace), and it will show the world map for your own world instead of Skyrim when you're in your own world. Complete with map markers and all. :)

  10. You can also just set it's external emmitance to one of the FXRegions. That way it changes color with the time of day. There's normal ones (Bright during day, dark blue at night) and inverse ones (Bright at night, like light coming out of a window; and dark/invisible during day). Something should match your needs.
  11. I have planned a large(ish) main storyline for the city with 8 quests, which will each be approxmately 30-40 minutes. I have also planned 10 side-quests (not including the small miscellaneous/fetch quests etc.)


    So yes, the answer to you question is there are larger quests. :wink:

    Awesome. Just a tip; Try to get rid of those fetch quests. I had originally planned Falskaar to have 9 main quests, and 14 side things. About 4 of which were full side quests, the other ~10 being fetch quests. However I quickly discovered that they weren't much fun and basically just wasted the players time. So I'm not turning all 10 'fetch quests' into full blown side quests. I urge you to do the same. Not only will it add more content to the mod, but it will leave the player feeling far more fulfilled.

  12. Hmmm. That's an iffy area. You're using the games assets, so you would technically be redistributing them. However they're all mixed together into a ring tone. So it may fall under the 'parody' section of Fair Use.


    However I'm not sure at all. Also that isn't really a mod so whether it's legal or not I don't think it really belongs on the Nexus...

  13. Actually, Skyrim's engine was written by Bethesda specifically to suit their needs. O_____o

    But people were saying things like 'If anything they would release Morrowind' which Beth can't because they don't own the rights to it.

    Wrong. The engine was edited to suit their needs. The Gamebryo engine is not owned by Bethesda, and releasing the source code would kill Bethesda in a second.

    Again, Gamebryo isn't an engine, it's a middleware. With Skyrim (Not the other ones, ONLY Skyrim) they've copyrighted their own engine, the Creation Engine, which they now own full rights too. So legally as far as who owns the engine goes, they could release it, but theres still like 3000 reasons why they wouldn't, and shouldn't.

  14. You don't create a two way connection. Make the marker a ref of the rock. The player activates the rock, which then says 'stand at my linked ref and mine' which is the marker. It's very simple.
  15. As long as you model it all yourself that's okay. You'll see a very large amount of mods that are remakes or immitations of things from other games.


    If you were a full blown game company you would have to pay for the IP, but it's a mod and is not for profit so it's allowed and nobody will jump down your throat for it.

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