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Everything posted by oblivoo

  1. there should be like take over some kind of a facility and kill the people in thehouse....or like kill the bommbers facility and taking over turfs...
  2. probably becaus it is simpler to make a pc version and becaus it was intentionali first ment for xbox and then for pc and etc.
  3. i will probably play with the bosmer ,the argonian or the orc they are my favs fore now... :rolleyes:
  4. Why aren't there any car or aircraft mods for fallout 3, there is a but computer and i would like if there was a space and space travel mods with quests. I know there the mothership zeta expansion but somethin as fun and exciting :teehee:
  5. Those characters look good i like the bosmer, the orc and the argonian most...can't wait to play the game.... :teehee: :biggrin:
  6. I like it but it woulkd be simmilar to oblivion and it won't make sense to the storry of the dragons but yea i think they will come up to a fun idea..... :biggrin:
  7. I agree with you there should be easter eggs fitting the skyrim world like in fallout the indiana jones in an fridge after an nuiclear blast in the movie it all fits the game in some level....and the adoring fan in ice is a very intresting idea i like it... :thumbsup:
  8. omg can't wait for skyrim....im going crazy can't wait and i love the immprovments :woot: :hurr:
  9. I had never come over thet kind of mod but i probably think that mod exists and you should look for it on youtube or hte site......
  10. honestly i liked fallout 3 more then new vegas....new vegas is too simple and short....i like te graphics and the weapons....there are a lot of good atributes to this game but the story....nah id liked better that the 3 part continued not to be placed before the 3 part. And if they make a 4 part for what i hope they will id like to see a better story.... :thumbsup: :biggrin:
  11. I need a help with niff when i get my sword mesh from blender into nif how to make it have sword effects and be able to put it to oblivion please help appreciate any help.....
  12. Will there be easter eggs in skyrim like there was in fallout 3, i'd personaly like some easter eggs in skyrim but rearly becaus the game will become less thrilling and exciting to me but who knows mabey not. I'd like to see what other people think about this. :thumbsup:
  13. Sorry for the bad grammar people but i was kinda in a hurry and i don't speak english as a birth language so il try not to mess up further more....thanks for the reply's :biggrin:
  14. I'd probably have a dog or some kind of a monster, but you know that in Oblivion Shivering Ilse you can get a dog from a quest and yes there is probably going to be an animal companion of some kind in Skyrim :thumbsup:
  15. Here are a few links for the skyrim characters like the argonian, or the dunmmer and others that have come out. Here is the preview of an Argonian http://www.playstationordie.com/wp- content/uploads/2011/08/f1e64850e03f67a514562c2069cb9ef9.jpg Here is the Dunmer http://portal.aecorp.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Skyrim-Dunmer-Thief.jpg The Nord http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2011/08/Skyrim-Nord.jpg And the Khajiit http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2011/08/Skyrim-Khajiit.jpg A Bosmer http://www.gamepur.com/files/imagepicker/48/Wood%20Elf.jpg And the orc http://theelderscrollsskyrim.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/orc.jpg Those are most of them and i hope there are more in making if there are more. So post who is gona be and is your favorite character in the upcomming game The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim.
  16. i saw the demo video of skyrim and im very immpressed of it th graphic quallity amazed me the looks of evry detail and the way of flow in the caracters movment is great. I hope it runs on my pc. I love the level of texture they added for the caracters and the dragons and monsters....they had much effort in this and i like it, Next he combat and spells i like the speel controlls and the two arm usage as it was in oblivion bu now two swords and only magick i like that for combat i don't know i havent experienced it yet but i expect good things hopefully. The magic is good the way when you hold it longer prefformes stronger attacks and the way you can hold it at two arms suprised me. The Cool thing is the voice attack and the dragon fights "SPOILER ALERT" you get more power for your voice spell by the dragon you kill and that is very cool. The Menu has changed in many ways the 3D armor and shield the star skill improvment it all looks awsome and i can't wait to play the game hope you reply.
  17. yea i get ya i died acouple of times but then i made it you dont ned a save game get a mod or a cheat i don't know and could upload to the nexus a save games so yea i hope you make it and that is it..
  18. i expect a lot of good things from this game as i do from skyrim and mw3 but a question for you which game is better mw3 or battlefield 3 and which one do you expect more and whill play the most :ninja: :devil:
  19. That would be mister crowley.....what have the done with your face :biggrin:
  20. if it was up to me i would allow it as a game setting and be very pleased with it....usualy evrybody that plays oblivion has a nudity mod installed in the game so im saing yay for this thing....when i was downloading oblivion game of the year edition inside the folder i found a alredy downloaded and ready to install nude patch so people know that others will install it and mostly the tes nexus has become a home of nudity and sexy cloathing so we are clear about this... :biggrin: :whistling:
  21. you can simply optimize the game byadding a texture mod or an better prefformance mods that can be easily downloaded and instaled......and you can get a better graphich and motherboard that will insaenly improve your quality....i bought a new computer a few months ago and installed oblivion to see prefformance i set all to highest and it twiched at some momments....so yea you get the point.... :dance: :ninja:
  22. fallout new vegas is officialy published on the fallout page and able to buy and its realy simmilar to the fallout 3 but with new stuff so awsome.....
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