PowerArmourTraining Claw - PowerArmourTrainingImproved WeightRebalance Accuracy_Tweaks ACE2-0 (Anchorage) CMF-LessAmmo Burnification CapitalWastelandRealisticWeather Accessorized Helmets BetterMercArmors stealthBoy-weight0 Better The Family BABEreconarmor (PointLookout) Project Beauty PowerArmorImproved I also have a "mod" that have completely changed the soundtrack in Fallout3, (I can't find the file on here anymore so not sure what it's called), as well as a couple of high-res texture mods that doesn't run on esps. I put Anchorage and PointLookout in () as those are official DLC and shouldn't be the cause. (I know for sure that PointLookout isn't the cause as I had the problem before getting that DLC as well.) In case anyone wonders I only get the CTD when entering the Tenpenny Lobby zone (no matter from where aka Capital Wasteland, VIP floor or the high class floor) and nowhere else in the entire game (Well, so far. I haven't bothered with the main-story or the Broken Steel DLC so any zones or places you NEED to go to pretty much only because of those so I can't comment on those places yet :P ). Help appreciated. I starting to get a bit tired of starting the game 20+ times to have it crash 20+ times before finally getting the zone to load properly so I can get to my suit. :rolleyes: