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Everything posted by mouzerball1000

  1. Alright, as soon as I reproduce it again (give me like a couple hours, lol..) I'll pass it along in a PM. I hope you can manage to see what's wrong, because when I close and reopen the game, the level-up menu appears right away once I load it. It's like something in the background is lagging really hard. I'll have it to you within a day or so. Thanks!
  2. Very good idea, I checked and GetInCharGen reports 0 while it's bugged. Setting it to 0 does nothing either. Still trying to isolate the issue..
  3. It's a little tough to pin it down since every time I close the game out and change the load order, the bug "fixes" itself until I level up once or twice. Maybe I can use advlevel to force level up and see if I can actually replicate it. It's like the menu lags that it takes super long to show up because it DOES eventually show up. Will update if I end up figuring it out by myself.
  4. I'm having a very weird issue with my Fallout New Vegas install, wondering if maybe someone has some advice. For some reason, once I got to around level 10 or so, the sound cue and level up prompt appears but the menu itself never shows up. I looked in my stats and it does say my current XP is higher than the required exp, and the console commands like advlevel do not work either. Every time I reload my save/die/change cells, the prompt appears again, but the menu does not appear. I am not in combat or near hostiles. 100% not related to that, positively a bug. Never used showracemenu or any console commands. This happens across multiple fresh characters. If I hard reset my game and relaunch it, the level up menu DOES appear after reloading my save. Interestingly, if I keep playing anyway, randomly, several minutes later (maybe ten minutes?) the menu will appear with no notice. The issue seemingly fixed itself after ignoring it and leveling up three times (it showed the level up menu three times in a row, and then it seems to have started working as it should) but now that I'm around level 22 it's happening again. I can always quit and restart the game, but that does get annoying. The Delay Level Up mod also works, but I'd rather not have to use that - I want to figure out what's causing the problem. Here's my load order: FalloutNV.esm=1 DeadMoney.esm=1 HonestHearts.esm=1 OldWorldBlues.esm=1 LonesomeRoad.esm=1 GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1 YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1 FreesideOpen.esm=1 Project Nevada - Core.esm=1 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1 Functional Post Game Ending.esm=1 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1 ItemBrowser.esp=1 FOVSlider.esp=1 Pipboy2501.esp=1 SimpleItemCompare.esp=1 Definitive Camera Hotkeys PHW.esp=1 Show Pickpocket Success Rate.esp=1 JIP MiniMap.esp=1 LootMenu.esp=1 FreesideOpenPatch.esp=1 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp=1 B42 RWMS.esp=1 B42Inertia.esp=1 JustVisualObjectives.esp=1 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1 Vanilla UI Plus.esp=1 Unofficial Patch Plus.esp=1 B42Wristwatch.esp=1 Merged Patch.esp=1 I'm also running some nvse plugins: jip_nvse.dll johnnyguitar.dll nvac.dll (new vegas anti crash) MCM.dll (mod config menu) NVTF.dll (new vegas tick fix) onetweak.dll pn_nvse.dll ui_organizer.dll My BSA archives are decompressed, and I am using the 4GB enabled .exe and ENBoost. If anyone wants more info, let me know. Hope someone could point me in the right direction.
  5. Hello, I've been making a few custom meshes for Fallout New Vegas, and I'm stuck at getting a collision working. No model has a collision close enough for me to just copy over, so I need to make a custom one. Problem is, everything I've tried so far crashes the GECK when I load the model. It's definitely the collision, as deleting the node in Nifskope causes it to load up the model fine. My process I tried was creating a bhkCollObj in 3ds max 2017, adding a clone of my mesh to the list of collision objects, going to edit shape -> convex shape, to make it a bit simpler. I export the file making sure collision is checked. I open the vanilla model I based mine on, copy my NiTriStripsData straight over the vanilla's. Set the texture paths. For collision, I delete the entire branch of the bhkCollisionObject from the vanilla model. Copy the string name of the root BSFadeNode and paste the name into the name of my exported model's BSFadeNode, copy the bhkCollisionObject tree from my model and paste it into the vanilla model. Click on the root BSFadeNode of the vanilla model, change the Collision Object entry to the number of my pasted in collision. My collision object now is parented by the root BSFadeNode. I save it, and move it into the FNV meshes folder and try loading it up into the GECK. Crash. Open it, delete that bhkCollisionObject and save. Loads in the GECK fine. So what's the proper way to do this?
  6. Yes, and I've read through those sections as you suggested, none of which seem to specifically apply to this problem unfortunately. I should specify that this is a 3D model that was not previously set up for any Bethesda game, so maybe "conversion" wasn't the right word to use. Thanks for the suggestions and links, though. Anyway, for some reason, under the NiNodes of the vanilla mesh, my models are in all different places mainly because the parent nodes already have translation/rotation applied to them. Theoretically, the model should inherit these and be in the right place due to what was done in the video above (importing the vanilla mesh in 3DS Max, scaling and rotating my model pieces to match, deleting the geometry of the vanilla parts while attaching my custom parts). EDIT: Welp, figured it out. It was actually an export setting that messed it up. I had "Zero Transforms" checked which was causing the issue. Lesson learned, write down the proper export settings and keep them handy.
  7. Hello, I've run into an issue with converting a weapon model I have over to New Vegas. I've been following this excellent tutorial, and ran into an issue after I export my model. For some reason, whenever I copy my model's NiTriStripsData and paste it over the vanilla model's, my model is completely out of place. I feel like I'm just overlooking something simple, but can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? If I copy the entire NiTriStrips that contains my NiTriStripsData and paste it right under the BsFadeNode, it appears in the correct spot, but then it doesn't animate. For reference, I used the .44 Magnum as a base model. Attached is a screenshot of what happens when I paste over my cylinder, for example. Any ideas?
  8. I'm trying to make a rough patch between MoreChems and IMCN by adding the respective effects from IMCN to the chems added by MoreChems. The problem is just the tedium of it. Is there any way to speed up the process of quickly adding entries to the effects list? I've been doing the right click on effects, add... scroll down... edit the NULL entry and paste in the effect I want... edit the actor value to none... and continue down the line. Is there a way I can just copy that whole effect and paste it in? It's not that it's difficult work, it's just I'd really like some advice to speed up my workflow (if there is any).
  9. Oh man, thank you so much! I'll give this a try a bit later and report back with any issues. I think I can take it from here, but if not I'll reply with more info. Glad to see that the script itself was close, I can start branching off from this then.
  10. Not intentionally. I truly never even touched any papyrus scripting, and looking over the Creation Kit wiki for awhile, this was what I came up with. I was more along the lines of trying to see how far I could get on my own and if I needed to resort to asking on the nexus forums, at least have something to show to help people better understand what I'm trying to go for. How would I go about doing that then?
  11. Hello, I'm working on a mod for Fallout 4 and despite being used to making mods for F3/FNV, I've never really done much scripting and never even touched papyrus, so I'm having a lot of trouble figuring this out on my own. What I'm trying to accomplish is have a menu open when a player interacts with a certain miscellaneous object in the environment. I'm having the following issues: How do I get a script to fire on activating a miscellaneous object in the environment? I see you can use OnActivate for activators, but this is a Misc Item. The default behavior is to pick the item up, but I would like to "hijack" that and open a menu with a couple buttons asking the player what they'd like to do. Sciptname 01ModActivator extends ObjectReference Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Int iButton = 01ModMessage.Show() ; Shows the menu. If iButton == 0 ; Save your game Wait( 0.5 ) Game.RequestSave() ElseIf iButton == 1 ; Pick up the item akActionRef.Disable(true) ; Not sure if this is how you disable the misc item you activated. Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Typewriter, 1, false) ; This should add the item to your inventory to simulate picking up the item? ElseIf iButton == 2 ; Cancel EndIf EndEvent So here's what I've come up with on my own here. In the CK, I created a message named 01ModMessage as a test with the three buttons and the text I want. So I'm assuming that when you activate the misc item I've attached this script to, you'll see 01ModMessage pop up. Clicking button 0 will close the menu, wait 0.5 seconds, then save the game. I don't know if it's redundant, I don't know how menus work so I was hoping this would fire a game save 0.5 seconds after the menu closes upon clicking button 0. Clicking button 1 will disable the misc item and add it to the player's inventory, to mimic the vanilla "pick up item" default behavior. Finally, clicking button 2 should just close the menu and cancel. Here are my questions, because I feel like I might be on the right track but I'm pretty positive this just isn't going to work. 1) How can I get this script to fire interacting with the misc object it's attached to? I've heard you can use OnEquip for when you've got the item in your inventory and click on it, but that's not what I'm after. I want it to run in the game world when you interact with the item. If that's not possible through scripting, I'd like to hear something alternative. It's a vanilla game item, the typewriter, so it's not a custom asset I can just make an entry for and do it properly. If anyone has a suggestion there, I'm more than open to input. It's kind of like that mod for FNV where you could interact with static objects like clocks that could tell you the time, and so on. That's the kind of thing I'm going for here. 2) For button 1, I want you to still have the ability to pick up the misc item as normal. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be using akActionRef as my reference for disable, so how can I assign a ref to the object that was "activated"? Otherwise, is there a better/more efficient way to get rid of the object and add it to the player's inventory like it would as if you normally activated a misc object? In case you were wondering, the goal here is to give the option to players to save at typewriters similar to the Resident Evil series, a small additional way to save for survival players like me. Obviously more work would need to be done here for gameplay's sake, but this is the first step and the only one that I can't seem to figure out as I've never done any papyrus scripts. I really would appreciate any input, thank you so much for reading.
  12. They already are editable meshes, but that was a good idea. I think you hit the nail on the head with the third comment there. Yeah, it was a resource I found online (was for a 3D printer, hence the extreme attention to detail). I just used it for the sake of saving time. It wasn't going to be released or anything, so I just imported it, scaled and warped it to fit a little better, made some textures, etc. Yeah, I'm thinking it's just some limitation because it's insanely high-poly. I mean, I've got a pretty strong computer here and it takes a long time to even import and export it whereas any other model is usually instant. I'm just going to use something different instead that isn't insane like this. For future reference, though, so I can at least fix this problem and learn for future projects: what can I do to simplify the model? The Optimize modifier ends up making some triangles just totally disappear instead of just making it less smooth.
  13. Hey everyone, I'm having a pretty weird issue with exporting a custom mesh, a pair of horns (going to function the same as a hat) as a .nif. It looks fine in 3ds Max 2010, but when I export it as a .nif and open it in nifskope, there are some polygons of one specific mesh that are just gone. http://i.imgur.com/UZAOfef.png As you can see, the mesh looks fine in the viewport of 3ds max. The six parts (all having different materials, so they're separated) all have the pivots aligned to the Bip01 Head bone then the position set to 0, 0, 0. I export them all using these settings: http://i.imgur.com/iIFvRag.png When I open it in NifSkope, this is what I see (applied the textures): http://i.imgur.com/oN2RIQ5.png I selected the top third of one of the horns to show that the faces aren't just flipped or something, they're actually gone. I suspect it has to do with the welding when it exports, but when I set the welding to anything under 0.0100 in the exporter, it just crashes. Increasing the welding causes more polygons to disappear. Both top portions of the horns have the same issues in the same places. Exporting only the top portion still has the same issue. I feel as though it's not a hard fix, so if anyone could let me know what I'm doing wrong here, I'd appreciate it. I'm making this quick for a friend, and it's taking me way longer than I expected. I've tried a few different export settings, tried options in nifskope, nothing seems to be any improvement. Any ideas? If anyone wants me to just send the model and textures and see if they can do anything with it or just take a look at it, I'm willing to let someone else give it a try if it proves to be an easier way to get this done.
  14. I decided to clean out and redo all of my fallout mods, and start from scratch. Now I can't. I think the download manager works [look for it on these forums] but I always just preferred manual.
  15. I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I'm using Google Chrome and every time I click on to download any file as usual, a pop-up comes up where I would normally select a server, but instead this is what comes up: Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 98 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 99 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 100 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 101 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 102 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 103 Normal servers Servers for normal members. All normal member servers are capped at 500kb/sec top download speed. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 122 Premium servers Servers for premium members. All premium member servers are uncapped for best speeds. Premium member only servers support download resuming and accelerator software. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vegas/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 146 Does anyone know how to fix this error?
  16. I've got them. I'd just hope there's a fix instead of going back and redoing quite a bit over. -_- Not to be mean (And I had my first crash tonight), but use the F5(Quicksave) key more often. I quicksave almost every 2-3 mins and if I see possible events ect coming up or happening, I hit that F5. :) Yeah, that's exactly what I always did. Problem is, the quicksave is too close to when everything started bugging out and my last manual save is quite far back. :/
  17. Yeah, tried that as well. Shame... Ah well, I'll mess around some more and see if I can't at least work around it somehow. In the meantime, open to any more suggestions if anyone else has ideas.
  18. No dice. Seemed like a good idea though. If anything has any other ideas to try, I'm game. I guess I can keep going without fast travel. I'll get a chance to discover a bunch of locations on my own I guess. Once again, nope. :/ Thanks for the suggestions though... Since it's probably something with the save file itself, there should be a way to clean the save. You'd think, anyway...
  19. No dice. Seemed like a good idea though. If anything has any other ideas to try, I'm game. I guess I can keep going without fast travel. I'll get a chance to discover a bunch of locations on my own I guess.
  20. Nope :/ Nothing. Even tried a total reinstall. Wow. Not gonna lie, but this is kind of... totally game-breaking so... Sucks that my save's ruined. I was ridiculously far too. Guess back to New Vegas until this is patched or I feel like starting over...? -_-
  21. I've got them. I'd just hope there's a fix instead of going back and redoing quite a bit over. -_-
  22. I've been playing a total of about 20 hours, and haven't had a single crash. For some reason now, if I fast travel anywhere - anywhere at all, using the coc command, map, or carriage - it crashes after a couple seconds. No error or anything. If I pause the game or go into a menu, it freezes instead. I've tried disabling autosave on fast travel, etc, with no difference. The game runs flawlessly, but I have no idea why this started happening. Anyone know why this would happen?
  23. Works like a charm, rickerhk. Kudos for both of you for helping.
  24. The problem is the muzzle flash, I believe. Happened to me before from installing some weapon mods.
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