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Everything posted by MelodyOfNight

  1. I think add it as a plugin later is better. More people can download it if they don't need the DLC (just as wowow2264 said), so maybe the mod will become more "popular" without Hearthfire als essential.
  2. Sorry about that, I was very busy the last few days... Hope I can go on tomorrow
  3. Just move back to page 21, there are some screenshots
  4. Maybe one could also contact the author of this mod and ask for permission for the meshes and textures used? It covers some vanilla races which don't "have" kids yet. Just an idea.
  5. This here would also volunteer for beta testing :teehee: BTW, which races are included by now? All vanilla races or just some?
  6. I somehow really like the idea :) Unfortunately, I'm no modder, but I hope somebody will take up this idea!
  7. Wow. I'd never expected such an amount of details! Anyway, two seconds of using the nexus search option brought up 250 results for "preset": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/searchresults/?src_order=2&src_sort=0&src_view=1&src_tab=1&src_name=preset&src_language=0&src_showadult=1&ignoreCF=1&page=1&pUp=1
  8. Any attempts? I know this is three months old but I'd love to see the armor (like I said before ^^')
  9. I bet this will make it to the hot files after it is released!
  10. Sorry, multi post, ignore this...
  11. Try disabeling the ENB by taking all ENB files out of your Skyrim directory and check whether the problem is still there. If not, it was the ENB. If it still exixts, check for any other light or texture mods you installed recently and try disabeling them too.
  12. Do you use an ENB? This does often cause such trouble
  13. There are already some mods which add baby dragons and dragon eggs to Skyrim, I am using these two for example: Baby Dragons Of Skyrim Dragon Nests
  14. Yes, I think this ist a great idea! I really hope someone will find this and be willing to do this mod
  15. Thank you, this sounds promising :) I'll check it out!
  16. Hello there! I already searched the whole internet for a mod like that, but I didn't find one, so I hope someone here can help me. In fact I am searching for a mod which adds, like the title says, equippable scars to the game. I found a mod which had quite cool scars (BI Phenotypes), but it replaced the female body textures so every woman in Skyrim had the same scars, which I found disappointing. There is a mod which has equippable body textures (Equippable Skin Textures and Tattoos), but it suffers from a bug and does also only have tattoos which I don't need. It'd be very cool if someone read this and would be able to do anything like that. Additionally, if there was already a mod like that wich I have not found, it would be nice if you could tell me about it. Thanks in advance!
  17. Hello there! I'm working on a Skyrim Fanfiction (only German atm, I'm sorry) which I do need some poses for. At the moment I'm using Pinup Poser and Halo's Poser and, although I like them very much, they still do not offer everything I need. I also looked at some tutorials how to make custom poses, but they did'nt help me (due to some problems with blender -.-), so I wanted to ask which pose mods you know, aside from the ones I mentioned (+FNIS of course, and Puppeteer master) This would be very very nice and I'd appreciate any kind of help!
  18. I don't think I've seen the armor already, but if you're looking for a race especially skilled in archery, have a look at the Lunari Race
  19. Yes, I guess that's what I was looking for, thank you two!
  20. I know that there are already some mods out there which change the positions of weapons at the player's body, but I still couldn't find what I was searching for, and I tried almost everyone I was able to find (just mentioning Skyrim Weapon Positioning, Realistic Weapon Positions, ...). In fact I want a mod which changes the position of the weapons to the ones they used at the awesome "Ningheim Race" mod, but compatible with every (custom) race. For those who don't know what it looks like, I'll try to describe it: swords are on the back (can't say whether they are crossed or not if using two of them, but i think so)quiver cross over the hipdaggers in the same position (crossen when using two of them)bow not changedIt'd be great if someone would be able to create something like this (or maybe there is such a mod which I haven't found yet?)!
  21. I think these two pictures show her armor (and a part of her equipment) quite good: *one* *two* I would also love to see her armor on the nexus :)
  22. Absolutely can't wait for the official version! Wish I could help you with it... The only thing I can offer is doing a german translation of the .esp when it will be ready. Would that help?
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