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Nexus Mods Profile

About KairiUwux3

  1. so a month ago i made a post where i asked if mods would work on a pirated copy of kh3. IF THEY WOULD not even saying i have one. in the thread i also mentioned i got kh3 + dlc on ps4 so basically its "emulating" and thus not even illegal. i got permabanned instantly. like wtf lol. then i made a new account to download some mods for actually dark souls 3 (which i own on steam lol) now 3 weeks after i made this account it got permabanned for "ban evaison" which is pointless for 3 reasons 1. you can make multiple accounts from the same email adress from what i can tell 2. i could just make a "throw away account" to download whatever i need at the moment and then delete it myself to "cleanly reuse" my email adress 3. i have a private email adress, a business email adress and 2 email adresses i made in my teen years. even if you now ban THIS account aswell, its no use lol i can just make a new one from my laptop, in a friends wlan network on a different email adress. not to mention, i asked the support if they could unban me and just give me a warning, in the end i just afked IF!!! mods would work on a pirated kh3 version. i still dont have a pirated version lol. like damn, ppl could ask that out of curiosity with no intentions to priate the game. and the support didnt even answer me. like damn you guys need to do a better job lol. seriously, you permabanned me FOR ASKING A QUESTION. thats so pointles. and nothing you do will stop me from downloading the mods i need/want for other games. i never did anything wrong besides asking a single question. like how about you give me a warning instead of insta permabanning me? how about you answer question i send to the support directly? how about you talk to your community? how about any humanity? how about ANYTHING? this isnt discord-modding. damn man.
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