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Everything posted by CharlieCimmera

  1. Ok. Weirdly I had already added NexusMods.com to my safe list on Ghostery but it wasn't there when I rechecked it. After dl'ing Vortex from GitHub and re-adding NexusMods to Ghostery's safe list I can now dl from the site. Can't believe how much I pulled my hair out looking for the why when I'd already crossed it off my list of things to check lol. So. All fixed and if anyone is using Ghostery, check to make sure it's not dropping the site off it's safe list. Thank you for all the help, @showler. It was SO appreciated!
  2. Dl'd just fine off GitHub. I'll keep searching for what ever is blocking the dl's but it's got me smh
  3. Which is great but I still can't download anything. I click on the download buttons, Vortex or Manual, and nothing happens. I can't even download Vortex to use it. I've combed over every area on my pc that could roadblock Vortex or NexusMods and can't find anything sitting the way but while I wait to see if anyone has any ideas I'll also keep looking.
  4. I'm having a similar issue but I've made sure it's on the approved list for my ad-blocker, security/firewall, and when I try to dl Vortex my screen sort of blinks like it's trying to open a new window but what happens is it tells me I need the latest version of .Net or Windows 10, both of which I already have. I purposefully went out and updated them to make sure. I get the same issue when trying to dl mods manually but it tells me I need the latest SMAPI, which I already have.
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