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Everything posted by KingTroodos

  1. What about a mod where you find an old container ship off the coast of the commonwealth, and through a load of quest manage to repair it to working order. At this point you can sail to every other continent (South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Antarctica) and capture creatures from those areas you can then either: Breed Them. Release them into the commonwealth (doesn't really last long if there is only one). Put them in your wasteland workshop arenas. Here are a few examples of some creatures Africa: Radlion Gazelle Radnoceros South america: Rad Boa Rad bellied piranha Europe: Radger (rad badger) Asia: Kraken (mutated squid) Ghoul Whale (they made a comeback in Asia after the war) Antartica: Penguin Oceania: Rad Spider Rad fish Living coral
  2. there needs to be a mod that adds wasteland workshop cages for far harbor creatures. In my opinion.
  3. there needs to be a mod that adds wasteland workshop cages for far harbor creatures. In my opinion.
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