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Everything posted by Bobitybob

  1. Having the same issues, even when i try to start a new game with no mods.
  2. I had a similar experience on 2 different occasions. do you have mods enabled? If so disable any that apply to script changes, and or Movement. Enable after the full into, after exiting the cave. In mine Helgan's walls were gone, and the cart in front of me hit a bump, then went spinning into space, then my cart did the same thing. The other time i never got to the block just stood there waiting for them to push me down.
  3. Have similar issues: graphics not loading when i inter new area. if i reload a save everything is fine.
  4. I also have the same error. I reinstalled after uninstalling everything, because after an update the game would not load. Now i can't even start over. I re-installed twice! "Wetrigger script <(########)> Warning: OnInit() My Hold Location property has not been set, this will result in errors" (there are 3 error numbers then a blank screen)
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