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Everything posted by landsheer

  1. sorry for dp, but I made a short video of the mod: performance is pretty good, with fraps recording.
  2. Hello Yaminohaka, There is a little performance hit with the mod, but not a huge one, well not for me my system: E6600 @ 3 Ghz 3gb Ram GTX 285 win7 64 bit If you want to try something out, then pls try this config I attached to this post, but back up your current ones. My frame rate is pretty good, my fps loss is around 5-6 fps note that my config files are "read-only" to change them you need to right click them and go to properties and uncheck "read-only" the main file sucks a lot of fps, but the low-profile config he has there is pretty good, I just modified the shadows a bit so that they are not that blocky anymore :P
  3. small update, changed the stormcloaks armor : 1. (default) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-18_00003vbeo4.jpg 2. (my version) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-18_00001w4ep4.jpg 3. (default) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-18_00004w1as9.jpg 4. (my version) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-18_00002izx95.jpg feedback is always wanted and suggestions of course as well. -LandsHeer
  4. First mod for a TES game, I'm doing here ^^. I really love Skyrim, great work Bethesda. But we always try to improve something, more or less for personal preference. So I was starting to change some Textures in the game, I don't go at realism or such. Just see how it looks and if it looks nice :) Some friends really like what I did so far and I thought I could show it here too, to see what you guys think of it :) Anyway, here are some first screens (comparison) of what I did so far: Steel Sword 1. (default) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-17_000071fuom.jpg 2. (My Version) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-17_00008os8jp.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Imperial Armor 1. (default) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-17_00010uh8gt.jpg 2. (my version) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-17_00009ks8eq.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nord Plate 1. (default) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-17_00012ko8ho.jpg 2. (my version) http://www.abload.de/thumb/2011-11-17_00011b88um.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What I did: I made the armor more metal looking ( I hope :P) and reworked the normal map, since the default one was sometimes quite blocky and such, so I made it smoother and stronger for more detail. Hope you guys like it. Regards LandsHeer
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