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Everything posted by drcolossus

  1. I had the same issue (as left hander using End Key as activation key). The problem was that my ENB (Realvision) had the key assignment set. It can be disabled in enblocal.ini but there's another place where you have to disable the End key assignment: In injector.ini remove the key assigments: [injector];toggle shader keycodekey_toggle = ;make screenshot keycodekey_screenshot = ;reload shader files keycodekey_reload =
  2. Well I basically just threw this statement here into the room but what I actually wanted to know is what other players think of Project ENB? IMO it is quite underrated. I switched back to it from Realvision and the DoF is really quite good so I'm happy with it. It's not as vivid and 'Tilt Shift' looking as RV but there's this sharpness about details and textures in Project ENB that's not in RV.
  3. I've been a long time user of Project ENB. Some months ago I finally switched to Realvision, using Option C which imho has the best DoF among all ENBs. But yesterday I created a comparison between these two (and Somber Luce Lucida, another of my favs) and I have to say that Project ENB looks better in some ways, in particular shadows on characters, and there is a kind of sharpness and quality to the rendering of details with Project ENB that Realvision just doesn't do. See for yourself ... https://pasteboard.co/8FS7i2zGd.jpg On the first image, especially with Realvision I get these dirty shadows in a room with a stove fire in the front. looks like those dirty shadows I get with SSAO on but I get this even if SSAO turned off. Can't figure out where this is coming from. These do happen too on Project ENB but less noticeable. There is a color depths and cleanness in Project ENB that realvision doesn't provide. Somber Luce Lucida looks good in interiors but is too dark and - uh, somber - for my taste when outside. I used a face light level 2 on the faces and on SLL these got overblown. If Project ENB had the DoF and perhaps a tad more saturation like that of Realvision then things would be perfect.
  4. Apart from that we all know that FO4's UI navigation is a complete f*#@ing mess, is there any distinction in the controls between initiating a dialog and initiating the trade menu? It seems to be hit & miss everytime. I want to trade stuff to followers and sometimes it opens the trade menu but most of the time it opens the dialog menu. How can I make sure to initiate TRADE menu if i want to? Related question: Is there any possibility for a mod that fixes the UI mess that Berthesda created?
  5. I have plenty of texture mods installed... Langleys Textures Workshop, aMidianBorn, Skyrim HD, Serious HD Retexture Skyrim, Tobes Highres Textures, The Beauty of Skyrim, NobleSkyrimMod, etc. and I think I got most texture replacements covered but there's this one ugly default wood plank texture that always completely throws me out of immersion. Please see attached image. Does anyone know any texture mod that replaces this wood?
  6. But that's really more of a mod order list, not so much per category. And it seems you're using very few mods. My mod order list is bursting over the 255 mod limit.
  7. It could be but i can't remember. all I remember is that it was on some city-related mod page.
  8. Hi, I saw someone's load order recommendation on some mod page but can't find it anymore so I was wondering what is everyone's recommended categorical mod load order? I'm using Mod Organizer and have been thinking how to optimize the load order of mods (both esp's and assets) according to their category. For example I would put essential mods and gameplay-related mods higher on the load order (i.e. higher priority) and I've been thinking if it's generally a better idea to have texture/model replacers also on a higher priority. Perhaps something like this (lower --> higher priority): Patches Cities & Locations Player Homes NPC-related mods Companions Armor/Clothes/Weapons/Items Textures/Models Environment (Weather, Light, etc.) Animation Mods Character Assets (Skin, hair, eyes, etc.) Immersion Mods Gameplay Mods Quest Mods Generated stuff (FNIS, LODs, etc.) What do you think?
  9. One more question though: There's some placed grass and small stones that float in the air at some places and I want to remove them. But they can't be selected like other geometry so I wonder how can they be removed? I've heard the landscape paint tool is used for it but I can only paint textures with that one.
  10. @agerweb Thanks for the hint! I will try that! I think i'm getting the concept now.
  11. Are there any guides for creating compatibility patches with the Creation Kit? For example I want to create a patch for two mods: The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold (WhiterunHoldForest.esp) ETAC (Immersive Whiterun.esp to be exact) Both essential mods for my Skyrim but there are some conflicts: Some trees are sticking through houses, etc. Some land edits make house corners float in mid-air. Some bits and pieces float in the air. One of the patches does help with the first issue but not with the other two. In any case, I create a new esp, set it as active and also load the other required ESPs/ESMs into the Creation Kit. then I make the edits, drop things to the floor, move trees, edit landmasses, etc. Then go in-game and the edits are not there! Load order, etc. is all taken care of. Some objects seem to have duplicated even. It seems they are now still in the original ESP but also in my new esp (but none of them are on the floor). What part am I missing in getting this right?
  12. I have around 230 mods (ESPs) installed. Not sure if you want to go through all of them but if you think chances are high the crashes are because of the load order then I will see that I can optimize the order. The thing is that these CTDs come out of the blue. I'm walking somewhere in the outside world and BAM ... CTD! It looks to me that these typically happen when new cells are loaded in (but not 100% sure about that). Also, roughly 40% of all times I'm loading a save game on a fresh-booted Windows it will CTD. Then the second time the same savegame will load successfully. Interestingly this happens far less often with the (now outdated) memory patch by Sheson when I use the 768/768 blocks version from here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1340369-skyrim-memory-patch-fixing-ils-ugrids-ctd-freezes-for-real/ (I don't know but SKSE 1.7.3 seems to be having 512/512 hard-coded?) On a side note: the 1024/768 and 1024/1024 versions will CTD outright at the title screen. @wiztedmongoloid: Thanks i will check out the guide!
  13. What could be the reason for random crashes happening? Examples ... - I start the game, load a saved gamy - any game - CTD! (next time I load it, it worls just fine) - I run into Riverwood - CTD! (Next time I run into it it works just fine) - I die and reload a saved game - CTD! (hit and miss. Sometimes I works just fine) - I try to enter Jovaskrr - CTD! (Next time it works just fine) etc. etc. I'm using SKSE memory fixes. Enboost I'm using many mods (like anyone else here I guess), texture mods, followers, houses, gameplay, etc. etc. I keep them up-to-date. I took utmost care this time to mod the game in a way that there are no conflicts. I sort the load order with LOOT and do manual changes where needed. I configured enblocal.ini correctly. I'm out of ideas what could cause the crashes. Are they script-related? Graphics/memory related?
  14. Well, I found that I can set blur to enabled in my ENB (Project ENB) that helps a little. However I think I found what I was looking for ... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75954/? :D
  15. Hi, does anyone know a solution (combination of water mods perhaps?) to get more muddy underwater? I'm now using Realistic Water Two and it looks fine on the surface but diving becomes totally unimmersive because I can see miles away under water. Needless to say that this is very unrealistic (see screenshot).
  16. Hi, I've been using Mod Organizer for a long time and it always worked for Skyrim (Non-SE) so since I use MO2 already for Fallout 4 and I was still using MO1 for Skyrim I wanted to unify it all and use only MO2 for all Beth Games. So I've launched MO2 for Skyrim, then moved over all mods from the old MO install and copied my profiles and save games. MO2 shows the proper virtualized Data folder structure with all mods, etc. but when I launch Skyrim (SKSE) over MO2 it wont load any mods and just shows the default game. Any idea what could be wrong?
  17. ... When the Creation Kit doesn't crash anymore only because I try to change a value in a number input field! >:( (This makes modding FO4 impossible for me. Does Bethesda even care?!)
  18. 1. A mod that changes combat injury to enemies so that they aren't killed instantly when loosing an arm or leg. And when an enemy becomes crippled (after shooting a leg) you can still approach him/her and initiate dialog, instead of the crippled enemy continuing to shoot at you. I'd like that feature especially for boss mobs that seem to have interesting lore behind them because it feels unsatisfying to me to simply kill them off. Instead I want to take them prisoner or sell them to slavers (see point two). 2. A Slaver mod, incl. quests where you have to catch various NPCs for the slaver faction, similar like in FO3. 3. A mod that makes super mutants to have prisoners which you are able to rescue. Again, in FO3 we had that. EDIT: 4. (Forgot to add this) A tactical flare gun mod that allows you to shoot a flare that lights the night sky for several minutes. I tried making it myself but the Creation kit crashes on me when i try to change values in number input fields, making it impossible for me to mod properly. What do you think about these ideas?
  19. But Settlement Keywords suXXors! It put tons of items in the same menu instead of sub-categorizing them. So for example to get to the radio antenna you have to scroll through a loong list of useless Institute props.
  20. Thanks for the hint! My monitor doesn't have such a setting but the NVIDIA control panel has ... Adjust desktop size and position --> Check "Override the scaling mode set by games and applications" Once that's checked the game won't 'hijack' the aspect ratio.
  21. I solved it! It's obviously Homemaker's Settlement Keywords ESP that causes this. I disabled all settlement-related mods in Mod Organizer (inc. scrap all / place everywhere mods). Then loaded game, went from settlement to settlement and scraped all (console cmd scrapall). I wasn't happy with my settlement placements anyway since I used the Place Anywhere mods which messes things up. I saved the game and reactivated my most important settlement mods, but not the Homemaker SK plugin. And now the shop option is under Resources. Interestingly: If you use scrapall command with the 'scrap all mod' it'll raze the complete settlement lot, leaving only a field. If not used with the scrap all mod, it'll scrap only non-static things, so essential buildings/etc. stay).
  22. I have Homemaker installed but there is no shop option under Resources.
  23. Interestingly, this doesn't work. If I set Windows to run in 1920x1080 it does use letterbox bars but FO4 when then set to 1920x1080 will still use the whole screen area and stretch the image accordingly.
  24. I'm using a 16:10 screen but would prefer to play FO4 in a 16:9 format because it's more suitable for video recording formats. My default resolution is 1920x1200 but I'd like to use 1920x1080 which can be set in the ini but the problem is that FO4 - unlike Skyrim - doesn't automatically keep the aspect ratio and inserts letterbox bars. Instead it stretches the screen! Does anyone know if a solution is available to address this issue ... or whether it's possible to tweak this in a successful way (without resorting to buy a 16:9 screen, obviously)?
  25. Well, the issue is evident in any settlement for me, not just restricted ones. I actually haven't tried shops at all yet and now that the option is missing I cannot open shops. My char is level 50 now and I'm not feeling like starting all over with a new character so I'm stuck with this. What I did before was installing some settlement build-related mods, incl. one that allows to place things anywhere. I then build some stuff in settlements and in between removed some of the mods again because I was reorganizing my mods. This resulted in some faulty settlement objects in my save game that I can only remove with console disable or they'll crash if I try to scrap them. But i'm not sure if this is related to the shop option disappearing. I've read there's a limitation on menu items and some mods cause issues with it.
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