So I'm changing the color of the Grenade Arc. The changes within the .nifs are very straight forward, however there is also a game setting "iPerkGrenadeTrajectorySplineColor" involved. If I set this to zero, the color is applied correctly, but the "arc" itself is much more faint than the default green arc color - the "circle" at the end indicating the end point of the arc is fine (and isn't affected by the game setting at all). I initially assumed it must be hex to decimal because the default value of "iPerkGrenadeTrajectorySplineColor" is "7076989", which if converted to hex and you look at the hex value as RGB seems correct....but if you try to use other values from a hex to decimal format, it doesn't apply what you'd think - sometimes a seemingly random color, and sometimes no effect at all. So I guess my question is does anyone know what the integer value of the game setting actually represents, if any? The default value is confusing the hell out of me, because I can absolutely change the color using random values, but I can't figure out any kind of format involved that I can follow and set.