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Everything posted by xeallexx

  1. Not so sure that's possible... yet. That would require a lot of interface modifications. Not to mention the indexing the minimap would require via your position in real time. Though I agree, That would make Skyrim more conventional.
  2. Well, I could do it. My only question is, Are there any models for them online? With animations too?
  3. Below is a Pdf of my newest concept for what I think, could indeed be a very cool mod. Quick Info -> SJS stands for Skyrim Joint System.  SJS is initiated when “Kill Cam” is.  Similar to VATS in Fallout.  Joint movements are based off Real-time selection of user. PDF File -> Note: This mod concept will be put into testdrive by me, as I dig deeper. Feel free to engage in, help out, or offer suggestions. the concept will be modified and extended as more unfolds.
  4. I believe an evolving weapon is something that will require us to wait until Skyrim comes out.
  5. Are there any mods similar to this one? Link: Romance Air Necromancy
  6. Hey, thanks man! Is there also a mod that allows you to stick specific body joints/parts to the floor/walls?
  7. Since I've seen absolutely no mods that evaluate this, I decided to bring it up. Is there a specific way to set all actor corpses to be usable with Telekinesis?
  8. Thanks Drake =) Death, are you asking to make this modular?
  9. There's a good ides here. How about your changes in appearance based on your alignment/class/profession?
  10. I have a question. Will you be incorporating Guard Management? I personally find it irritating that I must go to the prisoner when I could just order my guards to do it.
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