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Status Updates posted by amnis

  1. Hi Ithildin!!! Wishing you all the best for the new year! :D Hope everything is fine...
    1. Ithildin


      Thank you, dear friend - I'm fine, and so is my family. I hope all is well with you and yours too. :) May you have a New Year as perfectly lovely as your artwork!
    2. amnis


      Thank you! :D We are still all doing well so far...
    3. Ithildin


      I'm very happy to hear it! <3 <3
    1. Ithildin


      My dear friend, I was *just* telling hubby about your portraits of Audrey a few days ago when we were watching one of her movies and he was talking about her classic beauty. With little in the way of hints about the lovely Julia (I'd showed him some of your portraits of her quite some time ago), he had no difficulty remembering your artistry and said he'd bet you did justice to Audrey. I said of course - and then was tickled pink today to show him this new one. :D Absolutely stunning...
    2. Ithildin


      ... as always!


      I hope you are well and happy! *hugs*

    3. amnis


      Haha, wow... Thanks so much, dear Jen. And greetings to your husband... :D This summer, I will travel to Tolochenaz, a little village near Lausanne , where Audrey lived for 30 years. From 1963 until her death 1993. Too bad, that I was too young to realize, that this wonderful woman lived so close to me then (only 3 hours by train). She's also buried in Tolochenaz, so there's a chance to visit her grave.

      Thanks again, Jen... It's always a pleasure to read from you! *hugs*

  2. Happy new year, Bob!!! All the best for you and your family!
  3. Happy new year, dear Jen! All the best for you and your loved ones.
    1. Ithildin


      Thank you kindly, dear Marco - I wish you and your nearest and dearest a very happy 2018 too. <3
  4. Here are my latest digital paintings and yes it's Audrey again: https://amnis406.deviantart.com/art/Audrey-Hepburn-Timeless-Beauty-706186738 ... https://amnis406.deviantart.com/art/Audrey-Hepburn-dark-background-714589769 Please klick on the image for real size! :D
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      Phenomenal artwork - and I'm thrilled to see them! I was just wondering what your latest projects were, it's like someone granted me a wish today. :D
    3. amnis


      Sorry, for the long time... Sooo happy to read from you Jen... *hugs* Thank you for the kind words... Yes, at the last few months, Audrey became the main subject of my projects. It's so much fun to make portraits of her. She was just unique. :D
    4. Ithildin


      No need to apologize, hon! *hugs* :) She was unique, indeed ... and I have a feeling if she were living today and saw your portraits, she'd be immensely pleased and flattered.
    1. Ithildin


      This is so very beautiful - and I'm always excited to see your artwork in any genre, dear friend! <3
    2. amnis


      Thank you, dear Jen! *hugs* :D
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. amnis


      Thank you, Auri! :D
    3. Ithildin


      Magnificent work, Marco - absolutely beautiful! I'd have recognized her immediately, even without reading the title! =)
    4. amnis


      Thank you, Jen! :D
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. amnis


      Thank you very much!... So glad, that you are still here, dear Jen!
    3. bison1967


      She is radiant, Marco! Beautifully detailed work, my friend! :D
    4. amnis


      Thank you, Bob! :D
  5. Happy New Year, my friend!!! :D All the best for you and your family!
  6. Happy holidays and a wonderful new year for everyone!!! :D
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vvk78


      Hi Marco, Happy New Year 2017 to you & family, my dear friend! Cheers!
    3. wolfsangeleyes


      Happy New Year Marco. Es guets Nöis
    4. amnis


      Hi vvk78!!! Thank you... All the best for 2017 for you too, my friend! :D


      Hi wolfie!!! Dankeschön and ''Es guets Nöis'' for you too, my dear!!! :D



  7. Finally finished my latest digital drawing: http://amnis406.deviantart.com/art/Audrey-Hepburn-646903895 and http://amnis406.deviantart.com/art/The-Wite-Rose-646901816 Now it's time to return to Skyrim again... :D
    1. Ithildin


      Wow, this is perfection - takes my breath away, and I easily recognized her. I've always admired her striking features; she immediately comes to mind whenever I see the French word "gamine". Have you seen her in "Always", her final movie? She seemed just as youthful, lighthearted and elegant in that role as she did in her earlier films.


      Masterfully done!

    2. amnis


      Thank you, Jen... She was such an icon and on top of my Portrait-To-Do-List. ;D It's so long ago since I saw ''Always''. Must be in the early 90's. I really have to watch it again...
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. amnis


      Thank you, my friends! :D
    3. Ithildin


      I echo Hoofy and Auri wholeheartedly - phenomenal images and concept! <3
    4. amnis


      Thank you, Jen! :D
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AurianaValoria1


      I agree with Ithy! Beautiful work! :D
    3. amnis


      Thank you, Auri! :D
    4. bison1967


      For a bison, I'm old... :(



      I really like the gritty look on Dalya, very realistic looking! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      All your lovely characters take my breath away! I agree with Auri - amazing portrait, a show-stopper. <3
    3. bison1967


      Excellent! Love their expressions! :)
    4. amnis


      Thank you, my friends! :D
  8. On the search for inspiration I stumbled over this... Goosbumps!
    1. Ithildin


      Beautiful and impressive! Me too (goosebumps). :O
    2. AurianaValoria1
    1. Ithildin


      Brilliant work - no pun intended. Your Adriel is very lovely, and if I didn't despise the Thalmor, I'd be inspired to have a character of mine in her army.


      Instead, I feel my Imperial characters would be loyal to Chiara, and my rebel characters to Ingrid (and the Snow Hawk, before her tragic demise).


      Then again, there's the Amnis heiress, if she'd chosen to follow in Aurelia's footsteps ... <3

    2. amnis


      Yay... Thank you Jen! :D
  9. Hi Wolfie... After a longer breake, because of my Lana Del Rey-Gimp-Project, I just saw your comments on my last images and then I had to check your latest images... Love your beautiful Ladies! It's so great to have you back!!! :D
  10. For all who are interested... Here are the 12 steps from the beginning of my Gimp-portrait to the end result: http://amnis406.deviantart.com/art/Lana-Del-Rey-Summertime-Beauty-progress-608227049
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. amnis


      Thank you, Jen!!! *hugs*
    3. bison1967


      Thanks for sharing these 12 steps! A fascinating view! :)
    4. amnis


      Thank you, Bob!!! :D
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      Wow, this is masterful work, Marco ... as remarkable as your drawings of Anna Calvi, impressively detailed, and more beautiful than B&W photographs are to me. For one thing, it's considerably easier to pick up a camera and shoot a photo than to replicate every tiny detail of a person's face by hand.


      Well worth waiting for!

    3. amnis


      Thank you, ladies!!!! :D
    4. bison1967


      Thank you for sharing this beautiful creation! :-)
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