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  1. without a doubt that is the PA lol thanks man. i looked past 30+ power armor mod pages and didnt see this... obviously over looked it at some point. thanks man for the help
  2. the mod i am looking for was on the nexus i do remember that. was maybe a year or 2 ago the power armor looked like this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18315 but the one i am looking for had glass in the front and had no helmet like the "Institute power armor" you could see the characters face through the glass inside the power armor. was this mod removed or? i cannot find it anywhere and i do not remember the name of the mod itself. thanks for any info on this i would like to get back into fallout 4
  3. In response to post #64235896. #64236041 is also a reply to the same post. which im sure in time. these tuts will be on the main page of the vortex download its self. you all are doing a great job seeing nexus grow over the last 10 years.
  4. I could try my hand in making something. i would need help in "finding the file" needed to make the changes changing the economy scanner to allow a second filter in the galaxy map to either make higher wealth systems brighter or just a different color than the rest of the other systems that are not high wealth
  5. as title states would this be possible? a mod that adds a new filter to the game and filters out every system (darker) except for these 3 systems (brighter). is needed for farming a s class freighter. looking for a "prosperous-opulent-wealthy" systems is highly annoying. or just filter the whole high wealth system all together no need to do just 3 systems thanks
  6. i dont even know yet i have not even looked into it till now. i asked kingath about it a while back (and about this idea first to what he thought) and he said id have to make "some" animations for the kids but didnt know "what" animations i would need to make. i guess the kids dont have simple animations like the NPC adults do so id have to make those (ones for the sim plots). i guess i need to find out what animations they need. im really just asking around to see if anyone "would" do this so i could do the rest. was thinking of porting another armor to SE skyrim but i might shift my attention to this if i find someone willing to make animations for this mod addon (so my hair can thank you lol). ive never really looked into making anything of this scope before so forgive me if a little bit noob part starts to come out lol but i really want to do it and learn it because its fun. i can eventually figure out the how its just the way i am id like to know before hand of all the stuff needed to be done. as simple as anyone can put it so its easier for them to tell me and no text walls needed. thank you man for the reply. im really looking forward to uploading this eventually for people to have fun with
  7. yes i am looking for a animation maker. i have no experience doing it (never done it) have seen it done and its just to much to learn. i dont have time to do that. work eats up most of my time and i really dont feel like coming home from work and pulling my hair out figuring out animations lol. its not that im lazy its really just to much to learn and i probably never get it right. >was going to use those animations to make a Sims Settlements (by kingath) school for kids (recreation plot)< found out that kids do not have animations for this idea i thought of doing. that i would have to make some from scratch. if i could get these animations rolling out id be able to at least start the mod addon and it not be a idea any longer. of course who ever makes these animations will be in the credits/file credits/readme and in the mod its self for players to look at in game. and your name will be seen by a lot of people. this mod will always be free. i dont want no money foo. thanks for any help if someone will. you will be a F****** national hero in my book if you would make these for me. have a good one
  8. i already fixed my problem thanks anyway man and for the tip have a good one
  9. you have way to powerful of a system for this to be a pc issue unless. have you got your GPU drivers up to date? yes they matter and will surprise you posting your mod load order (in a spoiler tab) from what ever mod manager your using. im guessing NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) since your new. mod organizer is a steep learning curve for a mod manager at this point this is more than likely the problem. its a mod doing this to your game or maybe take a windows snip tool of NMM for not all mods add a .esp file to your game [edit] also what OS are you running?
  10. AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp=1Differently Ebony.esp=1 stating from the S.E.P.T.I.M. guide said to turn those .esp's off. but if the mod author has updated to SE then forgot what i said. if its still oldrim you need to turn them off. but install the textures only last time i looked at wildcat mod. if you "transform" either vampire lord or werewolf it "staggers" NPCs and fears them i think. might be wrong about the fear. but does it stagger them see them move? if it does then thats whats causing them to go apeshit on you. i know from personal experience vanilla game they all dont care if you do. if i remember correctly. vampires cant be staggered like that. or feared. so "you" transform and then go hostile immediately (because the wildcat mod is trying to do the above) without any sign of what i just asked. then might be a wildcat problem. i just dont remember a "wildcat" mod in oldrim. i never used it if it was one.
  11. i know this might not help in what you were looking for but rule of thumb ive always followed when adding mods : never add something when you don't "really" need it. this cuts down on the amount of mods you use by doing this. helps reduce the chance of CTDs and/or easier to find them look at the mod page of that said mod. picture it in game and ask your self. Do i really need this in game? think about whats already there in vanilla the mod is changing/adding. thats what i do. but CTDs are bound to happen with mods so there is only so much you can do "soure" installing/adding mods xp since fallout 3, star wars knights of the old republic & sith lords. among others to old to remember them ____________________________________________________________________________________ on the other hand. what does your papyrus log say after crashing? last time i played skyrim oldrim i dealt with a crash similar but not the same. after reading that log i found i was just a little to heavy on script mods. so i removed some and it stoped. hope this helps some P.S. thanks for the passive ench recharge mod i will def use that
  12. problem has been fixed. fixed it my self if someone really wants to know what I did to fix it contact me via PM and i will lend a hand to help
  13. yep exactly. thats why Ghaunadaur is needed more minds put together is always a good thing (usually lol)
  14. what you posted should be easy its just i found a problem i found a partition error in the .esp plugin just now. only equipping the chest piece is causing a gap where the bracers should be. same thing with the boots. everything looks fine in outfit studio any info on that would be helpful. i am still trying to figure it out myself clicking edit on the .nif in biped model in the armor file of the CK throws this error aSize != 0 thanks man for the replies
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