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About vipcxj

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  1. First: int iLength string_var strTest let strTest := "%e" let iLength := sv_Length strTest the iLength is 2 but 0. this is strange~~~ and, let strTest += "Test" let iResult := sv_Compare "Test" The "iResult" is not 0. And, let strTest := "%e" let iResult := sv_Compare "%e" strTest The "iResult" is not 0, too. The only way to test a empty string I have found is that: "sv_Compare $stringForTest stringForTest != 0" Only for empty string, this exper is true. Second: let arArr := ar_Map "a":1 "b":2 "c":3 ForEach arIter <- arArr let strKey := arIter["key"] ar_Erase arArr strKey Loop Only element "a":1 will be deleted. It is said that loop is executed only once. The correct way to do this is that: let iIdx := 0 let iSize := ar_Size arArr if iSize > 0 let strKey := ar_First arArr while iIdx < iSize let strNext := ar_Next arArr strKey ar_Erase arArr strKey let strKey := strNext let iIdx += 1 loop endif
  2. Hi, I am vipcxj. Skyrim is coming soon. I don't know whether my notebook computer can run it, so this may be my last mod. This mod is something like windows explore. But it manage the pose in game. You can create folder which store and class the pose. You can also move and delete it. My mod has a UI. Not just a message box, but a real UI. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1256981-1320242928.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1256981-1320243032.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1256981-1320243128.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1256981-1320243186.jpg You can switch and play the pose all this mod read from the computer just through the short-cut key. You can get a screenshot for your poses and explore it in the UI immediately. You can class the poses and name them, search them through the UI You can activate or deactivate the poses. Only the poses which are activated are valid and can be switched and played. [Function Button] 1.Activate Activate the files. You can activate both poses and folders. If you activate folders, all the files in it will be activated, too. 2.Deactivate Deactivate the files. You can deactivate both poses and folders. If you deactivate folders, all the files in it will be deactivated, too. 3.New Folder Create a new folder. If you want to create a new class, you can create a new folder, and move the poses into it. 4.Move Move files. You can move both poses and folder. 5.Delete Delete files. You don't really delete the file on the disk, but delete the information about the relative poses in my mod. There are two types of delete operation. One is delete files and all files in it. The other is move all the files in it out of it, and delete it. This two types of operations have the same effect on poses. 6.Name You can rename the files. Yes, it is "files", not just a file. If you name numbers of files per time, they will be named like this: XXX001,XXX002,...,XXX00n 7.Description You can input the description of yourselves about the files. Like name, you can change the numbers of files. But the all the descriptions are same. 8.Load Load the pose on your disk which haven't been loaded by this mod, including those you have deleted. 9.Search Search the file according the name. You can input numbers of key words which separated by space. 10.Setting Reserved. Doesn't work now.
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