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About tommy5761

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  1. Try wandering around Vizima at night especially around the dwarven section and Shani`s house . If you haven`t done the "Working girl`s" quest then you might be able to pick up a few there
  2. While i don`t know the driver version you`re using for your GTX 460 . If you`re using any beta version then install an older version of the WHQL drivers from Nvidia 296.10 or previous but no earlier than 275.33 . Also there should be an option to clean install the video drivers from the options menu . Additionally if you don`t use 3D then do not install the 3D drivers . Are you overclocking your card ? You can make an exception in your antivirus for Witcher 2 just in case real time scanning is affecting the game .
  3. I believe the shooting in question is from "THEY" a game that was being made by Metropolis Software http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_(video_game)
  4. Console codes no but there is witcher 1 save game editor that will allow certain additions to your saved game . For this version just make sure that you have the witcher enhanced edition installed
  5. I seem to remember awhile back on the official forums that when uninstalling either game it will sometimes mess with the registry settings affecting the other witcher game as well . About the only sure fix is to reinstall both games .
  6. This may help with what you seek .
  7. Yes there was a problem earlier with patch 2.0 with the launcher not working if you were not connected to the internet . But if you were connected there was no problem at all . If you want to change graphics settings look in the witcher 2 folder for a configurator.exe file yep all you do is copy the last save and drop it in the witcher 2 save games folder and should be good to go .
  8. As far as i know no other plotline is involved with the "Early bird' quest . You only need to talk to her once and then meet her outside the inn between 9 and 10 PM at the earliest. I have a question though when you are traveling at night do the barghests still appear ? If not then that might be the trigger because as you escort her home after the thugs you are attacked by barghests in route .
  9. I thought you were after better framrates to decrease lag where you could then finish that part of the quest . OK try pressing and holding the "S" key just as soon as the cutscene ends and do not watch whats happening on the screen but instead watch the center of the screen where the QTE will show which mouse button to click and keep pressing and holding the "S" key .
  10. If you`re running a video card that is running close to the minimum specs where lag is a problem . Then you might need to lower the screen resolution to achieve a more decent framerate . Also if you don`t have a top of the line gaming rig disable ubersamplng . Ubersampling is for a beast of a machine that has SLI or Crossfire as the primary setup . There is also something else you might try when in game press esc then options and then gameplay and uncheck difficult QTE then go back in game to see if you can get by the dragon .
  11. Have you seen or tried this one http://witcher.phx.pl/mody/twarz.jpg . I loaded it and it works with the EE patched to 1.5 and can be found HERE
  12. CD Projekt Red would like to release a SDK but have said that it won`t be this year and that they would like it to be user friendly as well . If anyone has ever tried using the Djinni editor from witcher 1 would definitely know it`s not very user friendly and crash crazy at the same time . At this point it seems that is all we can do is wait as patiently as possible . I do know that the PC version has some additional content coming roughly around the 1st quarter of 2012 .
  13. While 7z is a good extractor/packer there is an alternative for unpacking a zip file http://legroom.net/software/uniextract . When installed you have a right click option to Uniextract to a sub-directory or to a location of your choice . Very simple to use . While it will not pack files but used as an unpacker it works great .
  14. This might make it a little easier to distinguish one from the other http://www.witchernexus.com/downloads/ . Believe it or not there are people just now finding out about witcher 1 . I still play it even after 2 years and still enjoy it . Some of the mods for witcher 1 no longer have working links that can be found and are stored on hard drives that are uploaded here for others to enjoy that may not have found them otherwise . While there are a few new ones most are older ones . Hope this explains it a little bit .
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