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Status Replies posted by CrimsonFairy

  1. A belated but sincere Happy Birthday. Sorry I missed it, but I hope you had a great day.
    1. CrimsonFairy


      Thanks a bunch! :D And I did! ^^
  2. Happy Birthday! ^^
    1. CrimsonFairy


      Thank you very much! :D
  3. Post more screenshots! >.< I keep stalk- I mean I keep frequently looking at your Nexus profile for anything new. I also wanted to say hi. :D
    1. CrimsonFairy


      Haha, thanks for stopping by to say hi! :D I'm happy you like my screenshots, and sorry I haven't been as active lately, I've just been busy. But I'll try to post more soon! Right now I'm also trying to finish a story I've been wanting to post. ^^
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hi there Miss C.F. and thank you for visiting my profile,)
    1. CrimsonFairy


      You're welcome! ^-^ And thank you for visiting mine. ;)
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