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About oddkaos

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  1. I would play this mod. I believe its Weynon Priory not Weyland Priory.
  2. how would i find the file? im guessing its in a .bsa?
  3. Can someone maybe teach me how to do this if gimp is being a jerk? only thing i probably cant do is put it into the game.. lol
  4. I think thats all fine and good, if Craig want's to use the mod that he creates and cant there wouldnt be any benefit for him. I'm the same way. :P
  5. I had this same problem at one point. It has something to do with the water. Go into C:\Users\(your user name)\documents\my games\oblivion then go into Oblivion.ini and chand bUsewatershader = 1 to 0 that's what fixed my problem. CRAP.. didnt look at last post..
  6. thats strange, yours and zprospero's Gimp isnt working..
  7. I like both your ideas. Maybe you should do something with fame too.. maybe at high levels of fame you will have a lower bounty because you are so well liked.. or maybe even fear arresting you because you are so well liked that if they arrest you all your fans will hate the guard :P
  8. no that was my bad,, a recolored green robe and hood.. where the green is i want red.
  9. No problem. It's nice that your doing this for me, even if it takes a little while. Btw, do you think you can make it so there's a chest or something with a lot of them in it? Like in a bush or something in IC so its not noticeable but still there? I dont want to see a random chest while walking down the road. :D
  10. oh my bad i thought it was Tattered green robe.. turns out its just green robe :P From uesp: Green Robe 0007101B if that helps.
  11. I dont like how there's a lack of standard red robes in the game. There is the Red silk robe but it looks too flashy. Can someone retexture the Tattered Green Robe and Tattered Green Hood to be red where the green is? Preferably a darkish red, not bright but not dark either. Like this color if your can Red Texture Thanks.
  12. A small concern: When you run in that sneak walk it might look a little funny, still a great animation tho. Also, switching from the idle and the walk might be strange if there is nothing in between. What i mean is it might look as if the character snaps from the crouch to the walk. Also if this hasn't come to your attention yet the sneak is going to need a bow animation.
  13. Your doing a great job McMutton! I see great animations in your future! :P'
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