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Everything posted by nal

  1. That sounds too good to be true, haha. Gonna test that! :)
  2. Hello community! I want to do a reinstall of my Skyrim since I've completely lost track of all the manually installed mods and loose files I've added since release day and get an increasing number of random crashes and/or freezes. I'm going to use NMM this time around and wanna start using SkyRe so I'm not even going to try and use my old saves. I don't wanna recreate all my character faces from scratch though. Pretty sure there are ways to save them I'm just not sure how to export and save about 15 faces the most efficient way. Can I use CharGen extension for this? Does it save head/face data somewhere? Or will I have to dabble with the CK? Any advice on how to do this would be much appreciated :smile: cheers and awesome easter holidays to all, nal
  3. That sounds like I will finally have to get NMM. I've been doing it all manually up until now. I'm a bit scared of the conversion though, haha :D
  4. Notifications from comments on files was exactly what I was hoping for. It does include image comments, right? :s
  5. I'm gonna go an read the rules now. I registered in 2009 and I didn't even remember you aren't allowed to ask for endorsements - though i never did that since it always felt weird to read those requests ^_^ edit: actually i can't find the nexus site rules anywhere. Am I blind? Oo Look up near the top of the forum page - look for Terms of Service. :thumbsup: Bben46
  6. Hey! I have the feeling that it does not "load loose files" automatically. Because XCE and Skyrim HD textures just don't show up ingame. I DON'T have the official High Resolution texture pack but a few other Workshop mods which change textures - can that have something to do with XCE and Skyrim HD not showing ingame?
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