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  1. I'm also on AT&T and was having problems this weekend. The site is fast now though. I'm hoping things stay good because I have enough reasons to hate Comcrap. you, sir, are quite funny!
  2. Play it with German audio and subs in your native. Nordic languages are Germanic
  3. Gaius Marius: Responsible for the "Marian Reforms" which turned the Roman army into the most effective fighting machine on earth Octavian or Augustus: both names of the Roman emperor that started the Pax Romana Scipio Africanus: defeated Hannibal in North Africa (thus the "Africanus") Trajan: One of Rome's best emperors under which the empire reached its greatest extent. Known for being wise and humble in addition to being a great soldier http://www.roman-empire.net/children/famous.html
  4. Amazing Follower Tweaks has a "NPC Keeps Distance" setting that has been great for me. They basically follow further behind giving me space to stealth. If im in over my head I can run back to where they are to disperse some aggro. Its made a big difference for me as I was doing all that manually before. That said sometimes I feel like they make a lot of fights too easy but then they'll be the one or two fights where I definitely needed their help. I do find for me they make the story a bit more lively. I like to think of the characters and how they interact.
  5. Never having played an Argonian in any ES games and having read how some people have played one as a water-dwelling outlaw it sounded interesting so I figured I'd give it a try. He's very early in his career (lvl 10) but some interesting things have already happened: The "Live Another Life" mod lets you start Argonians as a dock-worker in Windhelm. Perfect! He'll start out as an oppressed Argonian who takes to the wild as a subversive and maybe join the imperials! Well thanks to another mod I'm using, the Windhelm guards kick him out of the city if they see him on account of him being Argonian! So you can imagine, just starting out with low level sneak he was getting kicked out and having to swim through frigid water just to get back to the Argonian Assemblage where he lives and works! The stage is set, this is one angry lizard... So, fed up with Windhelm and its frigid water and with nothing to lose he heads south towards warmer waters and Riften. Finding himself completely broke he takes to petty larceny joins the thieves guild. At this point at level 10 he's gotten skill and perks in: sneak, pick-pocket, one-handed and light-armor He's also got skill (without perks) in lock-picking and a little in restoration. My concern with any build is spreading it too thin. Here's what I'm thinking of doing with him: Sneaking everywhere, for sure. Playing him both dual-wield and spell-sword with restoration/alteration as the situation calls. I also want to level up alchemy and pick-pocket to poison people ala reverse-pick-pocket. (Rolff Stone-Fist for sure) So He'll be focusing on: Sneaking, One-Handed, Restoration, Alteration, Alchemy, Pickpocket and some Archery. Lockpicking I wont take any perks in, I'll just lock-pick as needed. Should be focused enough I think. I'm wondering how joining the Imperial Legion pans out. Will I aggro every Storm-Cloak soldier on sight? Will I be able to enter Storm-Cloak cities after joining? I figure he'll be living out in the wild for the most part. I'm using Frostfall and "Hidden Hide-Outs of Skyrim". Thanks in advance for any input.
  6. Ya, I was exaggerating but thats the first thing I thought when I saw it: "Wow, dragons write in cuneiform!"
  7. Wondering how many history geeks there are on here. Cuneiform is one of the oldest writing system we know of going back to Messopotamia 4,000 BCE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuneiform
  8. Perseids has safe containers but you have to turn on the advanced features. This will work great I think. I tend to prefer to play nomadic characters. Thanks again!
  9. Thanks guys! So I take it the storage there is safe? (ie: containers do not respawn)
  10. I was thinking it would be cool to be able to rent storage from Inns. Handy for new characters and good for role play as well if you dont want your character hauling around everything.
  11. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/6.jpg I'd say a "stealth" mage. I have a lot of fun combining stealth and magic.
  12. She speaks perfectly clear English I just couldn't place her accent. She also sings better than any of the bards in the game. Kudos to Christine.
  13. Hi, I just started with Sofia. I noticed the accent and its driving me crazy (not in a bad way) because I can't figure out where its from. I'm guessing its from Eastern Europe most likely Slavic because it doesn't sound like any western accents I'm familiar with nor any from South or East Asia. But it doesnt sound like a Russian accent. Anyway, she speaks very clearly and it actually adds intrigue to the character. I'm just really curious because I dabble in foreign languages. Thanks and good job! Edit: Actually the more I listen to her she sounds like Marina Orlova of Hot for Words. So maybe she is Russian. Edit: Wow, I'm way off. Apparently she's Dutch. http://www.voices.com/people/finalCrystine
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