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Everything posted by witchunter180

  1. Thanks, bben64! That did it. I guess another program must have messed up my graphic settings and changed it. I do have mods that change the Oblivion.ini file (just the open borders though) and now it works (tried it w/ and w/o the open borders and is fine). So big thanks there!!! XxShinra:I think the suggestion was given in the beleif that maybe I or a mod had altered the vanilla shaders and that they needed to be replaced. Course with what bben64 suggested, that could have been possible too. I don't use OBMM, so that wasn't an issue. Thanks anyways though!!!!
  2. Okay, I replaced the shaders, but they didn't change a thing. I'm still getting the Blue (exterior) and Black (interior) screens. Any other thoughts? I'm sure a complete reinstall will solve it, I'm just trying to get it back the way it was.
  3. Okay, so I lost my Oblivion disk for a month or so and found it again. After loading my last save, I noticed a big problem: I can't see the environments. I managed to "feel" my way around a little bit and find a few doors (this save was inside the Anvil Castle foyer). Inside of buildings, the world is black. Outside, the world is blueish purple. I can bring my inventory menu up and change stuff no problem but I can't see anything (except the HUD). I tried reloading other saves and had the same problem (the preview pic on the load menu showed the environments as they should be). I didn't have this problem the last time I played and I haven't loaded any new mods. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how did you resolve it?
  4. I had been using that guide in the tweaking process (has some great tips). While my pc can generate great visuals, my biggest concern is improving FPS. I tried looking into Oldblivion and got a virus hit o_O no damaged done...
  5. That's kinda what I was afraid of. I had been able to fine-tune the graphics settings to get decent results but its still not great. I'll try the method from the Bethsoft forums. Thx guys!
  6. Hey all! I need some help regarding my really BAD graphics in Oblivion. I have a relatively new PC (only a year old). Here's the specs: Orating System: Windows Vista Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Model: Inspiron 1525 BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A13 Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T5800 @ 2.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.0GHz Memory: 3574MB RAM GPU info: Card name: Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family Manufacturer: Intel Corporation Chip type: Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family Display Memory: 358 MB Dedicated Memory: 0 MB Shared Memory: 358 MB Current Mode: 1280 x 800 (32 bit) (60Hz) I believe the problem is the GPU; as its not Nvidia or ATR, I think it wont recognize it and thus not use it (358 MB should be enough, I would think). It is a laptop, but specs-wise, it should run it great. Maybe I just need to tweak it or maybe it doesn't recognize the software. Any thoughts?
  7. ataris2145 is right: its something to do with the game. I've had it freeze like this on me no matter the conditions (xbox360, pc versions, modded/unmodded, etc...) and unfortunately there seems to be nothing I can do about it. All I know to do is ctrl+alt+del the program. My advice is that, while playing, keep one of the autosave functions on so you have up-to-date saves so you don't lose well-earned progress.
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