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  1. That would be here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83379/? But this is the Fallout 4 forum and I would like to see the same mod here.
  2. I found that Horizon adds a small extra layer to it in the form of extra drops with a the survival perk. But there may be other mods that do more.
  3. There was a similar mod released recently for Skyrim where time would pass while you would interact with an object, so you could read a book in 'real time' with all the benefits and additional risks. For instance, you might get caught *while* picking a lock. An example of a benefit would be finally getting some practical use out of all the Pipboy games. Let's say you have to meet an NPC at a certain time, but rather than waiting 30 minutes, you would prefer to play one of the Pipboy games. Well, now you can. It would be a great addition to the game if it could be done. I can't see it break too much of the game either. If anything it prevents some ways to cheese through certain things, like lockpicking in a fraction of a second during a dangerous situation.
  4. The trick would be doing that large-scale, automatically and in a way that generally speaking ends up looking nice.
  5. That's a start. If there's an easy way to transcribe text on it from lots of sources, we'd be getting somewhere.
  6. This is actually something I kinda miss, the option from Skyrim to sit down and read a book. It should be easy to obtain a selection of public domain books and paste that into the game somehow. They did the same for DayZ Standalone a little while ago. I would personally love to see a mod like this.
  7. Um, didn't feel like starting a new thread about this. It's been a while, but people are starting to do interesting things with SKSE. Anybody hear of any effort to properly mod this yet?
  8. Per Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/51e68i/fo4_request_collect_and_bury_your_spouse/ Thoughts?
  9. I recently started using the Journal of the Sole Survivor mod and it is a lovely piece of work. It kinda made me wish it was possible to craft a regular old computer terminal in one of my settlements. To write, to play my pip-boy games... Life 2.0, really. I looked around, but I couldn't find such a mod. Does anyone feel like making that? Or did I miss it in my searches?
  10. Thank you Wrath228. Just died in the most ridiculous manner during a Survival playthrough. Scoprion teleported on top of me the instant my detection level became 'caution'. Insta-teleport, insta-kill. Normally I play DID style, but the game cheated. I get to reload with this mod.
  11. I can't imagine why folks always think they can get away with ignoring the IP clause. Even after getting caught. No, let's just do that again! Still, sad. Maybe someone else will pick up a green apocalypse type overhaul mod.
  12. Does anyone know what the name is of the hair mesh that the bald David Archer uses? Few other NPC's use it also. I know it can't be 'none', because that string still gives you the 'almost bald' haircut on a man or femshep if you edit a savegame through Gibbed. You don't end up with a complete Kojak. Could anyone possibly figure this out somehow, please?
  13. A curious thing. I had the same issue and wasn't able to find a solution. Doesn't seem to be archive invalidation (also didn't install a custom mummy texture) and I don't think ENB is supposed to affect textures in such a way?
  14. I hope so. It ran perfect for about three years before. Don't want to write off this PC just yet.
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