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Everything posted by CommanderCrazy

  1. Man's not been here for years. Wonder who's still around that I remember from, god probably 2011-2012? Guess I win :)
  2. This explains the "Coming: When it's ready" part.
  3. Not to sound like a cynical person, but until I see this in a public downloadable alpha/beta/something then I still call BS.
  4. Same as above. Answered to the best of my ability, however.
  5. New video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYxt7cwDk4E
  6. Necrovision wasn't a horrible game, but don't expect too much. It's mostly pretty brainless combat.
  7. That's the point! You need to cut off their limbs to get any major damage. But yeah, that's fine. Not all games are for everybody, I understand that.
  8. May I ask why you don't want Dead Space? Seems to fit what you want pretty much bang on.
  9. This may be of interest: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-10-19-what-we-know-about-cd-projekt-reds-cyberpunk-2077-game-so-far
  10. So there's been some news floating around about CDProjektRED's up and coming game. A reveal teaser was put up a couple days back, which seems to show a bit of what the game's atmosphere will include. Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P99qJGrPNLs
  11. Just dont take it past about ~930 without voltage tweaks. I got a 470 stock up to 1110MHz with an aftermarket cooler and a hefty voltage up. Wasn't stable, so I just backed it to 990MHz and left it. Note: this was at the very end of it's lifetime that decided to put it through it's paces like that. Wouldn't do something so stupid with a new card. For what it's worth, the 470 is still working, just superseded by newer hardware.
  12. So going off your post, you just want a new CPU and Mobo. I can offer a real nice value with grunt setup, courtesy of my friendly household tech head. This mobo: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=138_711_1183&products_id=21537 And this CPU: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=187_346_1184&products_id=20138 Ivy Bridge i5, socket 1155. Total cost is about 434 bucks.
  13. Oh, I forgot to mention how insanely epic the naval missions are. Ubisoft could comfortably take that segment of the game, expand upon it, and sell it as a new game. I know I'd buy it.
  14. What are you in for? A horrible experience. General gameplay is tedious, upgrade interface is plain stupid, Splinter Cell: Conviction had better AI, the vehicles are stiff and hard to drive, and to top it off: the hands down worst imitation Australian accent the world has ever seen. EDIT: The accent would generally be tolerable, if just about every single person didnt have it.
  15. The clothes are different, well, because the time is different. People didn't walk around in chainmail or a cuirass in the 18th/19th century did they xD As for the no sense of assassin guild in the game: there isn't meant to be really. Its meant to show how the guild is fragmented, with practically none left. I can generally agree on much of the other terms you presented though, especially the blending of free running with the normal run button. I understand making the controls a little more streamlined, but that was just a plain stupid decision. However, in my eyes it's not all bad. I really do enjoy the game. Surprisingly, the multiplayer is a blast as well. Really love the whole atmosphere of constantly watching your back, while watching for someone elses at the same time. Reminds me a lot of The Ship, actually.
  16. Talking from experience: Go with the Astro's. They will last you longer, and the customer support is better.
  17. 2 Suggestions from me. I have this monitor on my home PC, and it functions very well for games and general use, no ghosting and a pretty slick response rate. I use 2 of these monitors at work, and while they can be a little hard on the eyes for very extended periods of use, they are probably the best 27in monitors ive come across.
  18. Banned for having 100 kudos. Я снова исчезнуть
  19. This was the result of a few things. The often rash and badly thought out "Crazy" tactics I used back when I played strategy games like a religion The need to create an account name that WASN'T taken.
  20. I signed your petition, however (and i mean no offense at all by this), you have applied a very generous amount of hyperbole into your argument. As the brother of a person with Coeliac disease, I am well aware of the cause and symptoms of the disease, as such I have a couple minor issues. For one: It takes a fair bit more than a single molecule of gluten to cause a reaction, and two: a Coeliac reaction from that little pasta would not be so severe that it would cause intense pain for that long. Cramping and minor abdominal pain would be present after that much time, but in general that is it. Final note: I'm not denying you or what you're saying here, but there's a point where you can go a little over the top. Regardless, I still signed the petition as what you say in terms of some gluten free foods is true. Extra impression on the "some" there, as at least where I'm from, if the packaging says gluten free, and there is still gluten present, it is generally a manufacture error, and if you write to the company it gets sorted out.
  21. Mechro hit 50 this afternoon. As a reward for doing so, Zed's on Scarlett's ship gave me a Legendary Mechro class mod. Can't argue! :D
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