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Posts posted by Branimirzg

  1. Serbian heritage, born and living in Zadar, Croatia. (Quite ironic actually being the fact that these two nations hate each other).

    I'm not proud of anything because all we can do is f*** things up :(

    I was thinking..didn't Serbia stop the Turkish invasion of Europe in 1593? Thats an accomplishment to be proud of.


    Actually Serbs were part of otoman empire, Habsburs stopped Ottomans invasion... Serbs got Nikola Tesla and Novak Djokovic <-(The best ever!) to be proud of

  2. Serbian heritage, born and living in Zadar, Croatia. (Quite ironic actually being the fact that these two nations hate each other).

    I'm not proud of anything because all we can do is f*** things up :(


    Oh dont go into hate thing... Its still here only because few politicans from both sides are keeping it alive


    Nikola Tesla was born in here! :D

  3. should i get this game for my PC? i did the same thing with Oblivion, and it was definitely worth it, then again each copy was 20$, while i bought new vegas when it was new for 60$. is it worth shelling out some more $ for mods?


    I wouldnt even bother playing it without mods ;) ... Get PC copy!!!

  4. If you looking for Forgotten realms games, i suggest Demon stone and Baldur's gates 1 and 2, also Icewind dales 1 and 2. Other games: Temple of elemental evil that is D&D game, then there is Neverwinter nights 1 and 2, Dawn of magic 1 and 2, Dungeon Lord and Sacred 1 and 2.


    Almost perfect list :D... Only missing Gothic III

  5. So, I got the PC copy of DA:O(used to have it on 360). After asking around I learned how to install DAzip mods and the ones you need to put in the overide folder. I then cam across a few mods which when I download do not come in ZIP folders and after placing them in my overide folder they don't have any affect on the game. The mod i really want to install is Party Recruiting v1_0. In the comments section it appears that other people can install the mod with no problem. Could someone help this newbie out? thanks in advance.


    This files are installed with Dazip updater ... Its in - Dragon Age/Bin_ship


    Link - Guide for installing/uninstalling Mods

  6. As the title says, I've got trouble giving NPC's custom weapons & armor.


    I simply load up the ESP's containing the armor, along with the ESM's of Fo3 (of course).


    Then after the 5 errormessages 'bout some faction stuff I've got no clue about, i then find the NPC i want to give a custom weapon/armor to.


    I'll use Paladin Bael in this example.


    I remove everything from his inventory, i also alter his template into "NONE". I then give him a custom gun/armor, i then get everything between 5 and 10 error messages about animation etc etc.


    I save, load up both the custom gun/armor and the new ESP file from saving in the mod mng, i find the NPC (this case, Bael) he is usually naked and no weapons.


    I've also tried with lots of other weapons/armors and other NPC's, but no luck.


    So what am i doing wrong?


    You can't just take Item/armor from one esp, give it to some guy and save it to another esp...


    You must either charge armors id and save it to your esp OR: use fo3edit to make esp with armor as master of your esp.


    Anyway... Changing items "Base id" will save/copy that item onto your new esp

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