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About hammieD

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  1. Late response I know, but better than never responding. Thank you Nimboss; I will try your recommendation and post with the result.
  2. Thanks for posting Phrozin, but I looked at the vertex groups and there is no 'Camera3rd' there.
  3. So I have been struggling with this issue for more than a year now and have finally decided to post it as a question to the forums. What I am attempting to do is create a symmetrical version of the Narrowed-Shouldered Type 3 Cali body. I throw it into Blender flip the usual normals that are see-through around the feet and then proceed to cut the body in half. This time unlike the countless others I used the snap selection to grid to ensure that all vertices were aligned along the z-axis(yes I used to manually pull all of them...don't judge me). Mirror it with no clipping then proceed to tag all textures to their respective meshes. I then import the skeleton and have it parented correctly to all the parts and export it. Looks fine in Nifskope as always but when I go to look at a random NPC in G.E.C.K. I have the image below to greet me. Nothing is wrong except that exact area; I even run through some animations to see and the leg works fine but the arm keeps that stretched appearance. What am I doing wrong?
  4. After months of searching for a fix to the mismatched skin tone issue I come across this thread and like that it's solved. I thank you Leinfors for asking the question and pkleiss for answering it.
  5. Thanks for the pic Quetzlsacatanago, it helped me with the question of exporting, but could you also upload one of the importing settings. What I am using now doesn't seem to work.
  6. Well after reading the posts made here and in the Upload section I can safely say that the purpose of this post of mine is accomplished. I was simply desperate to know what happened, but as a newcomer I had no one to find the answer from so I went to the forums. I apologize if I did wrong by starting this topic as I should have read the rules and terms it seems. I commented on SPB's latest mod that I respect his decision no matter what it may be and I still feel that way. I attributed nothing to his work so I have no say in what he does with what he gave freely. My regret is that before this event took place I actually had the time to download all the new mods he uploaded but decided not to because I thought that I could another day. My loss it seems. Thank you for the responses and again if I did something wrong forgive me.
  7. hammieD


    I have been using TESNexus for a while now but finally decided to make my voice heard. Started on the 360 and loved it so much I bought Oblivion for the PC and never looked back. So hello to you all and may we have a good time with each other ;D
  8. I didn't see anyone else mention a single thing about this so I decided to write here since it's news to me. SPB ,overnight it seems, started to systematically take down all his\her mods that had some sort of sexual content to it. Now for those that he\she commented on being in violation of a franchise or copyright I understand but that's only one of many that were taken down. My question is what happened? I go to the forums to see if there was any news and the only thing I found was that SPB was banned for uploading an adult image in the normal imageshare section. He\She was quickly unbanned in order to show leniency from the moderator and to have a smooth transition from the old rules to the new ones concerning images. Was that action responsible for such a brutal change?
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