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About Chaosblade02

  1. What you state here is quite off topic. In order to bring it back in topic, let me remind you that the most terrorist live in the country they want to hit. You just donĀ“t know because your government failed to tell you, thus making you totally defendless. No sh*t shirlock. And they are foreign nationals, which they shouldn't be allowing into the country to begin with. The very last thing we need in America is more Muslims. Take your xenophobic behaviour elsewhere, it's certainly not wanted here.
  2. "National Security" means security for the establishment, and its interests. I know it sounds like I am throwing the US government under the bus. But things have gotten so far out of hand its just ridiculous. Some of you aren't gonna like hearing this, but they need to start doing what works. Racial profiling as well as behavioral profiling. Its not little old ladies, or the soccer mom with her young kids that is posing a threat to safety. Its foreign citizens from the middle east. Searching everyone just to be politically correct and not offend Muslims is BULL****. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w05jJ5H2pbc&feature=player_embedded
  3. My confidence and trust in the US government has reached an all time low of 0%. I can't really think of any information regarding their dealings or actions or secrets that I would lose sleep over knowing. I heard my grandfather say that the government has pretty much lied about everything from Pearl Harbor to 9/11, the Iraq war, and everything in between. They keep the truth secret because the public would be outraged if they knew the whole truth regarding all these matters. And it wouldn't look very good for the government. This is why they keep secrets. And yes I do want to know what the hell is going on because I don't believe a damn word they tell me.
  4. I remember when Mortal Kombat 1 was first released in the arcades, and the first time I ripped someones head off with Sub-Zero, it was like the coolest thing in the world. I do have a sick sense of humor, and often think things are funny or amusing that lots of other people would find appalling. I'm not a violent person and just think that people take some things too seriously. Sometimes I display humor in certain things just for the shock value, if I know I am among a group that would find that particular behavior appalling.
  5. Ben Franklin: He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. And I agree 100%.
  6. Right to bear arms means exactly that, and it doesn't say anything about excluding certain types of firearms. Even though they couldn't see into the future and the development of automatic weapons. Some citizen militias in the past had cannons, and it was perfectly legal. The media today, does nothing but politically assassinate citizen militias today, calls them extreme right wing, Nazis, etc, some are, but others are not, but they all get thrown in the same box. I don't think convicted felons should be able to own firearms. Criminals waive their right to vote, and right to bear arms, and I agree with this.
  7. Another thing I would like to share is my grandfather lives in a gated community, and some people have lawn jockeys in their front yard, but my grandfathers was different in the fact that his was a Black lawn jockey, and initially a few members filed complaints against him, but he won and got to keep his Black lawn jockey on the grounds of diversity LOL!!! All of the other lawn jockeys were White, and he had the only Black one. Amazing how diversity works, it ended up offending the same people that seem to be so bent on making it the PC standard, how ironic. It is the very people that would complain about something so simple as a Black lawn jockey, that I would very much like to offend. And it actually started kinda a fad in his neighborhood, out of about 30 tenants only 2 of them had problems with it, and now 5 other neighbors of his have their own Black lawn jockey. The point is that the people who whine about stuff like KKK snowmen and Black lawn jockeys are usually in the vast minority, most reasonable people don't even give a damn. They got a saying, the squeaky wheel gets oiled, but the silent majority doesn't really give a damn about trivial things like this.
  8. Now that I agree with. Take a look in the snowman's hands... That is a noose. And technically putting "Die, N~, Die!" in your yard IS freedom of speech just as this is, even if you happen to live facing a public school. If you own the property and aren't employed by anyone who would care, there isn't much that can be done to force you to remove it short of the town taking that person to court (who would also probably rule in that person's favor). I think you are taking something that was intended to be a really sick joke, a little bit too seriously. I see people doing stuff every day that I find offensive. I don't complain and say they should have their rights taken away, or condone acts of violence against them by another party. Some states have laws, where a home owner can shoot someone that is trying to burn their house down, etc, do similar kind of damage to property, so there are possible consequences for people that might get too far out of hand in taking action against someone like this, who is probably armed to the teeth. I don't think KKK snowman in the front yard is justifiable reason in court for someone to burn someones house down, but given if the particular statute applies, it would be justifiable for the man to reply with deadly force to anyone trying to burn his house down. I say let the man have his free speech, and if nobody ever made a big deal out of stuff like this, then people like this wouldn't have any reason to make KKK snowmen in their front yard. Just someone else looking for 15 minutes of fame. By going out in my front yard and making my own KKK snowman I protest and fight for my own freedom, because I saw them ready to take it away from this man.
  9. Given that he lives in Idaho, I don't think there are too many people that would physically threaten him over this. I found it to be pretty damn funny to be honest. I am just getting tired of people QQing and using the race card over stupid stuff like this, its starting to sound like the boy who cried wolf when these people scream racist. This is free speech. Where the line would be drawn in my opinion is if he put a burning cross in someones front yard, then that would be harassment. Oh QQ me a river, just say its an angry snowman. The snowman I made isn't as good as that one, no rope or anything, just a snow man with a pointy hat.
  10. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2010/12/03/police_warn_man_over_kkk_snowman/?p1=Well_MostPop_Emailed6 http://cache.boston.com/resize/bonzai-fba/Globe_Photo/2010/12/02/1291346134_0042/300h.jpg Guy builds a KKK snowman in his front yard. My vote goes for yes, because free speech is free speech, and nobody has to like it. I don't condone racism, but I support the right to free speech for racists. In fact, in protest, I am personally gonna make a KKK snowman in my front yard. Its called freedom of speech and expression. And if anyone tries to damage my house, I have the legal right in the state of Kentucky to protect my property.
  11. Are they still going to use the Gamebyro Engine? I'm not buying any more games made on that engine after FA:NV.
  12. I'm not a believer in electric cars either. Until they can make an electric engine that you could drop down in a pickup truck or an SUV and have plenty of power and room, I will continue to be a skeptic. The technology needs to be improved. The first one who does come up with that luxury electric SUV that has long battery life, or can be charged at a station in 5-10 minutes, and have plenty of power will make billions. And why not electric Semis? They need to start getting horsepower and torque out of those puny electric motors before anyone is gonna take them seriously.
  13. I agree, this is on California for the mistakes they made, why should the tax payers of the other 49 states have to bail them out? They chose to elect the dumb ***** who got them into this mess, they should be the ones who deal with it. And if they aren't smart enough to elect people that DO know how to get them out of this mess, then they bring their own ruin. I am tired of the spend, spend, spend policies, then people QQing for help when they fail. They need to simply slash spending, there is no way around it, if they raise taxes too much they will drive people out of California that have any money, so then instead they get less tax income. It is still a free country last time I checked, and if someone doesn't like a states tax policies they can move, and they will if they get too carried away, then you got everyone mooching and nobody paying.
  14. I like the Confederate flag. And its only offensive to the right kinds of people.
  15. Great choice, but I was thinking Nazi Germany :laugh: Call me a masochist, but I always wanted to be shoved in a gas chamber.
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