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Big Little

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About Big Little

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  1. ♫ 。*H*A*P*P*Y* 。 *N*E*W* 。 *Y*E*A*R* 。♫
  2. Hey buddy, how's the New Year going for you?
  3. yes, i would like to make friend with you ^^
  4. Thanks, BIG little...this is a work of BlueDanube. ^^
  5. Helloween - Speed Metal band from germany and my absolutely favourite :D Seen them a few days ago live on their 7 Sinners worldtour near my hometown together with finnish Stratovarius and Pink Cream 69 as supporters, presenting their new album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRR2YXZUQAA Quality is not very good in all those youtube vids, but live it's blasting! Especially Andi Deris - really impressive! \(^o^)/
  6. hey, murat! Nehrim is a really great mod! In fact it's not really a mod, but a total conversion. A completely new world apart from TES to explore with a lovely scenerie and really cool dungeons. As far as I can judge the way Nehrim was designed had a huge impact on other german modders/level designers. I hope you will play it - the dungeon where you start is already absolutely amazing! There are great effects which make you feel, you were right there in the play! I think the most important things are the lovely details you can find everywhere - the way quests are designed is really cool and there are great elements in the story, I would love to talk about, but it would ruin your experience with this great piece of work. One thing that has been a little problem to some people where lags at some regions, but these have all been fixed with the latest update. At this point I can say, that the Nehrim Launcher or maybe the installer is fantastic. I you'd like to, you can directly download the updates from your launcher and install them! No need to search for it. And - I think there is an english version released already, isn't it? So the only german thing are the voices...but with subtitles you can read along without any trouble, so I say it is definately worth the try!
  7. it's a picture taken from a booklet of one of my fav bands. I do not really know who he is, but he's a kind of fantasy character and I thought it would fit to me^^

    *in the german forums they joked about "Rumpelstilzchen" but I tell you he is NOT!! (that's for sure) xDD

  8. of course I do! x)

    and I'm really into this..wrote my skilled work about karate encouraging the prevention of juvenile violence! ^-^

  9. XD,you got interesting avatar yourself.what's that ?
  10. ahoi!

    just stopping by, admiring the fastest of all the sheeps on the nexus! ;)

  11. The sheep here are harmless. I am yet to see a single instance where they deliberately caused nuisance to someone. In fact, they are cute, cuddly and bouncey. LOL

    And as a noble Samurai (as I pretend to be :-), I defend the weak. If a Sheep is sick, I tend to it. The mighty must protect the weak. That is the true realisation of power.

    Don't you agree?

  12. really everywhere!

    hey, L33 wazzup?

  13. so many crazy sheeps!

    and a samurai to defend them (=

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