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Big Little

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Status Updates posted by Big Little

  1. it's a picture taken from a booklet of one of my fav bands. I do not really know who he is, but he's a kind of fantasy character and I thought it would fit to me^^

    *in the german forums they joked about "Rumpelstilzchen" but I tell you he is NOT!! (that's for sure) xDD

  2. of course I do! x)

    and I'm really into this..wrote my skilled work about karate encouraging the prevention of juvenile violence! ^-^

  3. ahoi!

    just stopping by, admiring the fastest of all the sheeps on the nexus! ;)

  4. really everywhere!

    hey, L33 wazzup?

  5. so many crazy sheeps!

    and a samurai to defend them (=

  6. a storm trooper sheep! (^o^) /

    that's really coll! xD

  7. thanks for the add!^^

    picture is taken from one of my fav band's latest album's booklet x)

  8. heyho, chaterman!^^

    Nearly forgot about hte Nexus.. Oo

  9. singing and sinnering
    1. vvk78


      sinnering? lol, nice word.


      ♫ "I am sinnering in the rain........" ♫

    2. Big Little

      Big Little

      ouh..should be the other way round! O.o


      > sinning singering! <


      that was exactly two days before my long term waited for Helloween concert and I was really, really excited :D


      *thinking about this concert still making me happy*

  10. hiho, my friend!

    how are you? xD

  11. Helloween Tickets have arrived...
    1. Big Little

      Big Little

      Raise the Noise!


  12. kudos to you, was fun talking with you ^^
  13. is enjoying "At The Edge Of Time"..Blind Guardina for the world!
  14. has just bought tickets for the Helloween World Tour in 2011!
  15. is addicted to coffee!
  16. Hi, du Verrückte!^^
  17. hmm, some really extreme changes have happened to this site!^^

    where is my video gone? :D

    very weird with my small 19'' monitor, everything seems out of place! just like in my bedroom >_<

  18. singing epiphany all day long!
  19. hey zertualpro!

    I found the pictures of the prince of persia armor again^^

    would be really, really nice, if you 'd release it :)

  20. I know what you mean. With me it's the same...but visiting this forum is always fun!^^
  21. is munching cookies!^^
  22. heyho! what's up?

    haven't seen you for ages!^^

  23. huuu...

    fear the L33!!!

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