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Big Little

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Status Updates posted by Big Little

  1. for skiing?

    was there two times with school class and it was very funny^^

    jes-I'm from Germany ;)

  2. naj bis jetzt hab ich nur eine Übersetzung veröffentlicht. Das einzige das ich kann ist ein wenig retexturieren und Nifs verändern. Die Schule verschlingt zur Zeit ne Menge Freizeit. Für Morrowind habe ich mehr gemoddet, allerdings nur so Riesenprojekte, die ich nie fertiggebracht habe^^

    - was machstn du für ne Mod?...hab mal ein bisschen in deinem Profil gelesen

  3. tried to give you the fifth star-the board must be cursed somehow.-> it's only showing four!!!
  4. ermm what does this "Suspect" mean?
  5. you often change your pic^^

    nice idea, with the stars :)

  6. Yep!

    Lag's am schlechten Englisch?^^

    und du kommst aus Österreich! Hi Nachbar ;)

  7. thanks for giving stars - must have been illuminati, who do not like me^^

    I don't have any trouble with other members....it's a mystery; anyway, I don't care much about my stars ;)

  8. Nice site and NICE music!
  9. Of course I will have a look at your Black Adder mod!!!
  10. I will definately have a look at your further mods

    and my download you have - for sure ;)

  11. Can I really add a comment by my own?

    That's funny!

    Knock, Knock:

    -who's there?

    it's me!


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